Well long time with no interest enough to post something here but i think I should giveyou alast something of what has happened in my life .oO(Yeah as if someone of you would care, Cmon go and see naked girls!)
You should have to see me in front of a camera, trust me i dont recognize myself in show if I were always like that THE WHOLE TIME I didnt even have created my account here.. but welll thats another story
anyway the podcasts are here www.denshii.com and every friday at 8 pm (local time from Ciudad de Mxico )
MMhh... suddenly I remebered that i was used to wrote a history on my friends blogs...and i did not finished it... mmhh lets see... yeahp just in the beggining I left them .oO(When im already finished to create the story line....of the sequel!!! ) well then here it is the 1st appearance of another new character! .oO(Shes doesnt have any blog where I could write it) oh by the way Ill still writing them on spanish, my traductor babe just disapeared from the matrix so i will have to do the translation but later so here it goes!
JA JAAA It will be laterat this moment i dont wana write that I MOST write the column for that page its for friday and im still havent anything yet...
You should have to see me in front of a camera, trust me i dont recognize myself in show if I were always like that THE WHOLE TIME I didnt even have created my account here.. but welll thats another story
anyway the podcasts are here www.denshii.com and every friday at 8 pm (local time from Ciudad de Mxico )
MMhh... suddenly I remebered that i was used to wrote a history on my friends blogs...and i did not finished it... mmhh lets see... yeahp just in the beggining I left them .oO(When im already finished to create the story line....of the sequel!!! ) well then here it is the 1st appearance of another new character! .oO(Shes doesnt have any blog where I could write it) oh by the way Ill still writing them on spanish, my traductor babe just disapeared from the matrix so i will have to do the translation but later so here it goes!
JA JAAA It will be laterat this moment i dont wana write that I MOST write the column for that page its for friday and im still havent anything yet...
Solo de leer los nuevos threads me dan ganas de tirarme de un puente...No mamen Estan invocandoa Criminalkurow!! asi gacho estan haciendo que sus huesudas y deformes manos rasguen el espacio negativo y busquen el camino de regreso...De seguir leyendo en serio que la modalidad CK se va activar sin que yo pueda evitarlo!!!