I want a T-shirt with a picture of traffic on it with a big ghost buster circle thing around it...I was on time to work today but didn't have time to stop at the store to get a positive reinforcer...Just incase I do a good job...Actually I use that stuff not based on my behavior being contingent...Today in 1793,The Jardin des Plantes museum opens in...
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Why are they reconstructing even more of Framingham...Grr...I wasn't late to work...I clocked in with a minute to spare...Hacks helping hacks...I was lucky enough to be stuck behind a car that had the best bumper sticker...he...he...he...Today in 1856, Five hundred Mormons leave Iowa City, Iowa and head west for Salt Lake City carrying all their possessions in two-wheeled handcarts...Happy Birthday Tedy Bruschi!! The Celtics chocked...
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Another night of tossing and turning....Danny Ainge...I hope you already have Ray Allen signed on the dotted line...Seriously if you could find a kid out of college to take Garnett's place in two years...you could have your own Celtics Dynasty!! Today 1981, The Israeli Air Force destroys Iraq's Osiraq nuclear reactor during Operation Opera...The facility could have been used to make nuclear weapons...They don't play...I...
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I still can't believe the Red Sox, Bruins, and Celtics lost last night...I am still bouncing around in my brain which one hurt the most...Seriously...I guess it's got to be the Red Sox...to loose to the bad guys by that many runs...The Bruins still have three more chances to win one game...and the Celtics are loosing 2-1 to King James and his Merry court...
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Most of the time people look back at regrets they have or mistakes they made...Today I thought a mistake I didn't make...or a regret I don't have...Just about three years ago I was in the pet store at the mall...I saw this brown Labrador Retriever chasing his tail in a cage...I asked the girl if they had a female...She told me they rarely get labs...espcially...
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Glad you saved a puppy
Random Thoughts...

Today in 1990, Nelson Mandela, a political prisoner for 27 years, is released from Victor Verster Prison outside Cape Town, South Africa...A mumps outbreak among children in an Orthodox Jewish community has exceeded 1,500 cases and is still going strong, national health officials said today...Mumps, what the fuck are mumps? Somebody's Heiney is crowning my icebox...Today in 1752, Pennsylvania Hospital, the first hospital...
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Any fan of the red sox is a friend of mne! WOOT! biggrin
thanks for the ad! you have the coolest blogs!!
Random Thoughts...

Mother Nature is one big chicken...Bok Bok Bok...oh well so the blizzard turned out to be nothing but some premature flurries...at least I am not a Pittsburgh Pirates Fan! The last good player they had was Jason Bay...Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement"-The Godfather III...365 days ago I broke up with Lisa...I say this with warm wishes...I am happy, that is...
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