Random Thoughts...
Mother Nature is one big chicken...Bok Bok Bok...oh well so the blizzard turned out to be nothing but some premature flurries...at least I am not a Pittsburgh Pirates Fan! The last good player they had was Jason Bay...Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement"-The Godfather III...365 days ago I broke up with Lisa...I say this with warm wishes...I am happy, that is numero Uno! I miss Uno's...What if Aaron Boone never got hurt in a game of pick up basket ball, would the Yankers have ever wanted A-Roids? Ha Ha Lisa can't read this!"The T-shirt I am wearing says "Sleazy" discount mattresses...We can't wait to get you into bed...I remember when I was a little baby...my grandfather use to rant about how I always watched the same movie over and over...He wasn't being mean...He just couldn't understand why I didn't watch another one...To Gramp in Heaven, The Blue Brothers is a great movie! You ever get sick of hearing the same broken record being played by everyone...The fact that drinking 6 liters of Diet Pepsi a day is not good for me (You spin me right round, baby) and/or unhealthy for me (right round like a record, baby...Right round round round)...Today I read, Sugary soft drinks drastically increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, according to a long-term study of 60,000 people in Singapore...
"Determining the cause of pancreatic cancer could save thousands of lives a year: 230,000 people are diagnosed worldwide each year, and the American Cancer Society estimates that only 5 percent survive for five years." Great that's just what I need in my life is more elderly drivers clogging up the freeway...Look you are going to die...I am going to die...I am not going to feel any better about dying say if I get hit by a train or die from Pancreatic Cancer...Now I am sensitive towards Cancer...I took care of my grandfather for years after my grandmother died from lung cancer (she never smoked once)...When I say I took care of my grandfather, I met that is what I did with my free time when I was not at work...He was legally blind and heart broken...He cried everyday...I mean unbelievable/uncontrollable balling...Do you know what are daily activity was, the one he cared about the most for the first three months...Was going to visit my grandmother at the cemetery....everyday! I would pull into the driveway everyday, just arriving home from work around 4:30pm...My grandfather would be standing by the back door, pacing the driveway with his Navy Hat on, his coat (even in the summer), wearing his blue jeans, and generic white sneakers...God I can't believe that I forgot about this...we went to the cemetery everyday for just about three months...A couple of years later he was diagnosed with pancreatic Cancer and died two weeks later...he became one of the best friends I ever had! He never drank soda...
Today in 1870, The YWCA is founded in New York City...Happy Birthday Ty Law, Hope you have plenty of food on the table! Yup...so Mother Nature laid an egg...I was going to write that Shannon was right, I should of take off tomorrow instead of today because of the Blizzard...I was "super smart" and took of both days...for two inches of "snow"...People don't try to stop drinking coffee...it's just going give your grief...until you start drinking it again...
He really became one of my best friends...I wish he could of met my dog...He would of loved him...Positive thoughts...soon it will be Fat Tuesday! Maybe I will see some boobies...
Today in 1923, Texas Tech University is founded as Texas Technological College in Lubbock, Texas... Happy Birthday Elizabeth Banks...I don't think there is enough snow on the ground to go sledding tomorrow...What am I going to do...If I get bored enough, I will just call Philadelphia's 311...The National Enquirer says the former presidential hopeful is engaged to baby mama Rielle Hunter...LMAO what do you think Rielle Hunter's parents are thinking...well his last wife had breast cancer, and he did he support her...Not sure this man is the right guy for marriage...ABC News was handed 2,770 photos, many taken from police helicopters, after filing a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Institute of Standards and Technology...Red-faced meteorologists should be scrambling to explain why a massive snowstorm predicted failed to show up...I think they should all resign!
Plymouth Superior Court jury has convicted Carolyn Riley of second-degree murder in connection with the 2006 overdose death of her 4-year-old daughter Rebecca...Ding Dong, the wicked witch is going away for 15 years to life... Phil Harris, the fishing boat captain whose adventures off the Alaska coast were captured on the television show "Deadliest Catch", has died...He suffered a major Stroke while out to sea...RIP... Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud will not be coming down for breakfast...Today in 1998,Voters in Maine repeal a gay rights law passed in 1997 becoming the first U.S. state to abandon such a law...I would boo this but I think people have their thoughts misguided about gay rights...The right to be gay should be a human right not one legislated by government...Hard to believe that it's been two years since Roy Scheider passed away...Maybe I will watch Jaws tonight in his honor...An 11 year old was charged with bullying in Waltham...I am so sick of seeing Oboma's gloom/doom food bank commercials...The Red Sox were three outs away from being swept in the 2004 ALCS by the Yankees...I still get feedback or comments from people who knew my grandfather when I run into them...They tell me what a great job I did taking care of him...He would tell anyone he saw that without me, he would have no chance at life...How I would make his food, handle all of the fiances, read him the newspaper...ect...I promised my grandmother I would...that's how I roll! OMG BTW where were the cameras last night when I was trying to stuff the trash in my trash barrel by doing a flying body press on top of it to squish it down...I pinched my balls on the side of the barrel during the process...I could see Riley's big brown head looking out the window...I was like "Riley...911"...I so wished I had a lifeline! The pain went away after a couple of minutes, once I realized I had both balls and I could walk...I headed inside to have a drink, talk to some friends, read some sports, and eat some food...speaking of which...
Mother Nature is one big chicken...Bok Bok Bok...oh well so the blizzard turned out to be nothing but some premature flurries...at least I am not a Pittsburgh Pirates Fan! The last good player they had was Jason Bay...Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgement"-The Godfather III...365 days ago I broke up with Lisa...I say this with warm wishes...I am happy, that is numero Uno! I miss Uno's...What if Aaron Boone never got hurt in a game of pick up basket ball, would the Yankers have ever wanted A-Roids? Ha Ha Lisa can't read this!"The T-shirt I am wearing says "Sleazy" discount mattresses...We can't wait to get you into bed...I remember when I was a little baby...my grandfather use to rant about how I always watched the same movie over and over...He wasn't being mean...He just couldn't understand why I didn't watch another one...To Gramp in Heaven, The Blue Brothers is a great movie! You ever get sick of hearing the same broken record being played by everyone...The fact that drinking 6 liters of Diet Pepsi a day is not good for me (You spin me right round, baby) and/or unhealthy for me (right round like a record, baby...Right round round round)...Today I read, Sugary soft drinks drastically increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, according to a long-term study of 60,000 people in Singapore...
"Determining the cause of pancreatic cancer could save thousands of lives a year: 230,000 people are diagnosed worldwide each year, and the American Cancer Society estimates that only 5 percent survive for five years." Great that's just what I need in my life is more elderly drivers clogging up the freeway...Look you are going to die...I am going to die...I am not going to feel any better about dying say if I get hit by a train or die from Pancreatic Cancer...Now I am sensitive towards Cancer...I took care of my grandfather for years after my grandmother died from lung cancer (she never smoked once)...When I say I took care of my grandfather, I met that is what I did with my free time when I was not at work...He was legally blind and heart broken...He cried everyday...I mean unbelievable/uncontrollable balling...Do you know what are daily activity was, the one he cared about the most for the first three months...Was going to visit my grandmother at the cemetery....everyday! I would pull into the driveway everyday, just arriving home from work around 4:30pm...My grandfather would be standing by the back door, pacing the driveway with his Navy Hat on, his coat (even in the summer), wearing his blue jeans, and generic white sneakers...God I can't believe that I forgot about this...we went to the cemetery everyday for just about three months...A couple of years later he was diagnosed with pancreatic Cancer and died two weeks later...he became one of the best friends I ever had! He never drank soda...
Today in 1870, The YWCA is founded in New York City...Happy Birthday Ty Law, Hope you have plenty of food on the table! Yup...so Mother Nature laid an egg...I was going to write that Shannon was right, I should of take off tomorrow instead of today because of the Blizzard...I was "super smart" and took of both days...for two inches of "snow"...People don't try to stop drinking coffee...it's just going give your grief...until you start drinking it again...
He really became one of my best friends...I wish he could of met my dog...He would of loved him...Positive thoughts...soon it will be Fat Tuesday! Maybe I will see some boobies...
Today in 1923, Texas Tech University is founded as Texas Technological College in Lubbock, Texas... Happy Birthday Elizabeth Banks...I don't think there is enough snow on the ground to go sledding tomorrow...What am I going to do...If I get bored enough, I will just call Philadelphia's 311...The National Enquirer says the former presidential hopeful is engaged to baby mama Rielle Hunter...LMAO what do you think Rielle Hunter's parents are thinking...well his last wife had breast cancer, and he did he support her...Not sure this man is the right guy for marriage...ABC News was handed 2,770 photos, many taken from police helicopters, after filing a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Institute of Standards and Technology...Red-faced meteorologists should be scrambling to explain why a massive snowstorm predicted failed to show up...I think they should all resign!
Plymouth Superior Court jury has convicted Carolyn Riley of second-degree murder in connection with the 2006 overdose death of her 4-year-old daughter Rebecca...Ding Dong, the wicked witch is going away for 15 years to life... Phil Harris, the fishing boat captain whose adventures off the Alaska coast were captured on the television show "Deadliest Catch", has died...He suffered a major Stroke while out to sea...RIP... Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud will not be coming down for breakfast...Today in 1998,Voters in Maine repeal a gay rights law passed in 1997 becoming the first U.S. state to abandon such a law...I would boo this but I think people have their thoughts misguided about gay rights...The right to be gay should be a human right not one legislated by government...Hard to believe that it's been two years since Roy Scheider passed away...Maybe I will watch Jaws tonight in his honor...An 11 year old was charged with bullying in Waltham...I am so sick of seeing Oboma's gloom/doom food bank commercials...The Red Sox were three outs away from being swept in the 2004 ALCS by the Yankees...I still get feedback or comments from people who knew my grandfather when I run into them...They tell me what a great job I did taking care of him...He would tell anyone he saw that without me, he would have no chance at life...How I would make his food, handle all of the fiances, read him the newspaper...ect...I promised my grandmother I would...that's how I roll! OMG BTW where were the cameras last night when I was trying to stuff the trash in my trash barrel by doing a flying body press on top of it to squish it down...I pinched my balls on the side of the barrel during the process...I could see Riley's big brown head looking out the window...I was like "Riley...911"...I so wished I had a lifeline! The pain went away after a couple of minutes, once I realized I had both balls and I could walk...I headed inside to have a drink, talk to some friends, read some sports, and eat some food...speaking of which...