It was in a car.
It was moving.
This is very important.
It is very important to know how it moves.
What it is doesn't matter til later.
I just need an explanation of movement.
It is mimicking the motions of inanimate objects.
Imitating, of course, the hands of clocks.
In the image of tocks like the image of God.
And in its imitation
it reams and it roars
and the legs are run over,
but that doesn't matter,
because those legs aren't real, they're just flesh.
Actually, you could pull it all off with your teeth, or with your nails if you're really inspired.
Why not? It's digestible. I guess I should eat.
Leave the metal to be and let's go for the meat.
Because, what the hell, what is 'real' supposed to mean?
The nerves are deceiving The nerves are deceit.
But that clock was neurotic, and that's what caused injury.
Injurious to other things.
It had led a life of luxury on a stucco wall
in a house
for too long
and hence developed delusions.
But I think it's funny, haha, let's eat.
Leave it stuck on the wall to yell out things.