@godiva gave me some homework to do, so let’s go
1. Who's ready for fall and cooler weather?
I’m sad to see Summer end, but I’m ready for my Birthday in a couple weeks and Halloween in October
2. Your favorite 2 seasons?
Spring and Fall. Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect weather and beautiful nature from flowers blooming to aspen leaves changing colors
3. Did you go on a summer vacation or Holiday?
Sadly no, but I did a nice staycation away from family, so that was nice.
4. Who's going to upcoming summer concerts? Or have you been to any concerts this summer?
I’ve been looking for concerts to go to, but haven’t been to a show since I’ve seen Kyle Kinane last year.
5. Favorite 4 summertime activities?
Going to the beach, drinking out in the summer sun, doing some traveling, meeting great people
6. Who's ready for Halloween?
I’ve been waiting for Halloween since November 1st. I’m thinking either Captain Spaulding, A Werewolf of London or Krusty the Joker
7. Who thinks global warming is real, and affecting our planet?
I do. It’s definitely affecting the weather here in Tahoe; minimal storms and excessive heat, you can definitely tell the difference from years past
8. Projects you’re working on this summer?
The biggest project I was working on was my art. I opened up my store on Society6 and worked with my coworker with a modeling shoot
9. Who's been to festivals this summer? Who's going to upcoming festivals this summer?
Checked out our local Farmers Market if that counts. Got to see my local art friends and go to some of my favorite food trucks
10. Who's been camping, hiking or backpacking this summer?
Mostly hiking. Tahoe has the best hiking trails
11. Who's ready to bring meet ups back to the community?
We need it desperately. I’m usually a loner, but I haven’t been hanging with my friends in two years, it’s time to get back to socializing again
12. Favorite 3 non alcoholic beverages in the summer?
Water, coffee, and soda pop
13. Favorite 3 alcohol drinks and beer in the summer?
I enjoy a nice Long Island Iced Tea, a refreshing Mojito, and a cold Moscow Mule
14. Who visited a park, forest, National Forest, State Forest, or Nature this summer?
Tahoe has forests, parks, and tons of nature. I live it every day
15. Who's tried something different this summer? Can be anything you want to share.
My new job. Being a Sales Gallery Coordinator is a calm and relaxing atmosphere compared to the high strung jobs I’ve had in the past
16. Coke Pepsi or Water?
Water seems like an obvious choice, but I could always go for a nice cold Coke
17. Craziest thing you've done this summer?
Quit my job just to do nothing. After spending time taking care of family and not myself, I needed some downtime just to do some much needed relaxing.
18. Favorite ways to cool off from the summer heat?
Cold drink in my boxers. You don’t have to picture it
19. Favorite 4 summer vegetables?
Not really a vegetable guy (kind of a carnivore) but I do like Cucumbers 🥒, Corn 🌽, Tomatoes 🍅, and Fresh Basil 🌿
20. Anyone travel to another country this summer?
I think we are planning something next month, Cozumel maybe, but haven’t been traveling much
21. Something you hate about summer?
Usually when it ends, but I can’t stand when it gets too hot. I feel like I’m melting
22. What would be a favorite summertime date for you?
My girl in my arms, good drinks and food, just staring at the night sky, living in the moment
I tag @negresca, @jadore, @pistache, and @deucey