I want to write.
Ugh, why is it every time I actually start making good money doing something that I want to do something else?
I love photography tremendously. It's given me a way to not only make a living, but to express myself and create art in ways I'd only dreamed about growing up. It's truly the most fun I've ever had in my life.
But I still want to write.
Before becoming a photographer, I was a writer for almost 10 years. I've had over 125 magazine articles published and several screenplays produced. I grew to hate both. Writing for magazines was a soulless endeavor. After the first few years it was like painting by the numbers. Screenwriting was a true passion for quite some time, but my move into film production destroyed my love of the writing films. No longer was it about creating amazing stories and characters, but rather making sure things stayed within meager budgets and making sure roles could be easily cast. It was like writing while wearing a set of mental handcuffs and everything fell short of how I truly imagined it.
In the past 3 1/2 years, I haven't written anything longer than an email, a blog, or a strongly worded letter to the editor. I didn't miss it at all. Until now. For the past 2 weeks, the thought of writing again has been gnawing away at my brain like a rat through bag of week old produce. I have a couple ideas. Nothing fleshed out much. When I wrote a "List of things I want to do" back in high school, one of the things on that list was to have a book published. I've accomplished every single thing on that list except for the book. Maybe this rekindled urge to tackle the written word is my subconscious trying to get me to finish that damn list.
Ugh, why is it every time I actually start making good money doing something that I want to do something else?
I love photography tremendously. It's given me a way to not only make a living, but to express myself and create art in ways I'd only dreamed about growing up. It's truly the most fun I've ever had in my life.
But I still want to write.
Before becoming a photographer, I was a writer for almost 10 years. I've had over 125 magazine articles published and several screenplays produced. I grew to hate both. Writing for magazines was a soulless endeavor. After the first few years it was like painting by the numbers. Screenwriting was a true passion for quite some time, but my move into film production destroyed my love of the writing films. No longer was it about creating amazing stories and characters, but rather making sure things stayed within meager budgets and making sure roles could be easily cast. It was like writing while wearing a set of mental handcuffs and everything fell short of how I truly imagined it.
In the past 3 1/2 years, I haven't written anything longer than an email, a blog, or a strongly worded letter to the editor. I didn't miss it at all. Until now. For the past 2 weeks, the thought of writing again has been gnawing away at my brain like a rat through bag of week old produce. I have a couple ideas. Nothing fleshed out much. When I wrote a "List of things I want to do" back in high school, one of the things on that list was to have a book published. I've accomplished every single thing on that list except for the book. Maybe this rekindled urge to tackle the written word is my subconscious trying to get me to finish that damn list.
You should definately start writing, dont do it for someone else or for money, do it for you! And so you know our set was accepted two days ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you send me the name of the guy from the tatty shop, Mike S.......??