well, my first issue of the ECC Student Voice is almost finished. For the most part, my contributions are complete.
Latel;y I've been smoking alot of weed and playing alot of Risk. My friend Pete and I just make up rules as we go along. It's nice that he's a formidable apponent.
shit is just boring right now... nothing much going on. I really want to get a job at this point. I want to move out by the fall. It's going to suck living at my parents house and trying to date. blah. the only reason I don't have a job right now is because I'm on medicaid and if I make more than $80 a week I won't be able to get my bipolar medication anymore.... crapola.
so, we'll see what happens. I don't want to work someplace under the table when I can get a job that pays alot more legitemately. hopefully things work out. wish me luck
Latel;y I've been smoking alot of weed and playing alot of Risk. My friend Pete and I just make up rules as we go along. It's nice that he's a formidable apponent.
shit is just boring right now... nothing much going on. I really want to get a job at this point. I want to move out by the fall. It's going to suck living at my parents house and trying to date. blah. the only reason I don't have a job right now is because I'm on medicaid and if I make more than $80 a week I won't be able to get my bipolar medication anymore.... crapola.

so, we'll see what happens. I don't want to work someplace under the table when I can get a job that pays alot more legitemately. hopefully things work out. wish me luck

i always wanted siam, for some reason. siam and europe.
yay for aquarians, henry miller, and plath, as well.
my band is playing in buffalo on august 10th. we should have a cocktail and a nice, friendly game of world domination.