i wrote your words on a bathroom wall, told them all who you were.
did you get a call last night?
a drunk wanting some enlightenment. wanting to find the same way out....wanting to know how you forgot so easily.
the times when you held me against a wall, pressing against me so tightly we would both disappear into each other.
and your lips against my flesh telling me your secrets...telling me your darkness.
letting yourself breathe into me, letting yourself find some kind of completeness in me.
did you hang up the phone?
draw your knees up to your chest....pretend that the call never happened, pretend that i never happened.
did you get a call last night?
a drunk wanting some enlightenment. wanting to find the same way out....wanting to know how you forgot so easily.
the times when you held me against a wall, pressing against me so tightly we would both disappear into each other.
and your lips against my flesh telling me your secrets...telling me your darkness.
letting yourself breathe into me, letting yourself find some kind of completeness in me.
did you hang up the phone?
draw your knees up to your chest....pretend that the call never happened, pretend that i never happened.
hahahah... your cootie wanter comment was awesome!
awww thanks darlin'!