Jim and I have decided that any weekend that we actually think we are going to get a break we might as well settle in for a nice round of hell.
The last few times we actually managed to get a baby-sitter nothing good has came of it.
Take this weekend for instance.
We take the baby to my moms on Friday night and then instead of staying home and cleaning the house like we were going to because we had made our actual "plans" on Saturday night, we decide to go ahead and go out on Friday night as well. So we go to the bar and Jim gets completely shit faced.
I on the other hand stay sober and end up having the worst time because some fucktard decides to take up all of the time we have there spewing weird shit at my husband. My husband being completely smashed is just sitting there smiling and nodding....which was actually kind of amusing.
So then we leave....well I kind of force Jim to leave because he was so drunk that he just kept talking about how numb his face was and I know that is his drunk talk for "going to pass out any minute now".
anyway we leave....grab some fast food on the way home. Get home, eat, and then crash, about 4:45 in the am I am awakened by this pain in my stomach that kind of feels like someone is taking a knife and churning my insides
.....yeah, I know PLEASANT. After a few minutes of that I realize that my day isn't going to be so nice.
So I spend my day vomiting and in massive amounts of pain. Oh and right when I start vomiting I also get my period. So anyway we think it's just food poisoning till bout 9pm Jim's tummy starts hurting and that's about the time we realize that someone has given us a gift....the horrid stomach virus that has been going around
So Sunday I'm so fucking tired i can barely move and my body hurts sooooooooooo bad, I end up sleeping till like 4pm. Jim is sick all day long not throwing up like I was but in horrid amounts of pain and really tired.
I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now and I miss my baby so fucking bad it isn't even funny....I know it's good that he isn't here but I would give my big toe just to hold him right now
I've been crying all night long because I'm exhausted and going all crazy like and poor Jimmy still is feeling rough.
This weekend has been complete shit.
The last few times we actually managed to get a baby-sitter nothing good has came of it.
Take this weekend for instance.
We take the baby to my moms on Friday night and then instead of staying home and cleaning the house like we were going to because we had made our actual "plans" on Saturday night, we decide to go ahead and go out on Friday night as well. So we go to the bar and Jim gets completely shit faced.
I on the other hand stay sober and end up having the worst time because some fucktard decides to take up all of the time we have there spewing weird shit at my husband. My husband being completely smashed is just sitting there smiling and nodding....which was actually kind of amusing.
So then we leave....well I kind of force Jim to leave because he was so drunk that he just kept talking about how numb his face was and I know that is his drunk talk for "going to pass out any minute now".
anyway we leave....grab some fast food on the way home. Get home, eat, and then crash, about 4:45 in the am I am awakened by this pain in my stomach that kind of feels like someone is taking a knife and churning my insides

So I spend my day vomiting and in massive amounts of pain. Oh and right when I start vomiting I also get my period. So anyway we think it's just food poisoning till bout 9pm Jim's tummy starts hurting and that's about the time we realize that someone has given us a gift....the horrid stomach virus that has been going around

So Sunday I'm so fucking tired i can barely move and my body hurts sooooooooooo bad, I end up sleeping till like 4pm. Jim is sick all day long not throwing up like I was but in horrid amounts of pain and really tired.
I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now and I miss my baby so fucking bad it isn't even funny....I know it's good that he isn't here but I would give my big toe just to hold him right now

I've been crying all night long because I'm exhausted and going all crazy like and poor Jimmy still is feeling rough.
This weekend has been complete shit.
i concur.
Pat asked me today if I would still marry him if his last name was pickles. So Id be Becky Pickles.