Ok.. so.. I had my "date" (if you wanna call it that) this past Saturday.
We (one of the car clubs I'm in) were suppose to have a Hooters meet down in Toledo, since we haven't done jack crap this summer. Welp.. everyone flaked out.. SURPRISE SURPRISE
So I called Dave, this new guy on the site I've been talking to for the past few weeks. Told him everyone flaked out, but if he still wanted to do something.. I was game, had nothing better to do.
So, we met up in Toledo. He finally rolls into the parking lot where I'm meeting him at... he's driving like an asshole, I brush it off, because all of us on the site drive asshole-ish any way.
He gets out of his beat up Dodge Ram and I'll I'm thinking is... "gross."
Now.. I know what you're thinking.. come on.. it can't be that bad.. but lemme tell you this. First impressions... seriously.. they do matter. Think about it. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. that's what I thought
He's not what I thought he'd be like. First of all... he smokes. HUGE nono to me. He has yellow teeth. Not talking the normal discolorization that must of us have... I'm talking YEL-LOOOOOOW!! Pretty nasty. And you know what.. I'm totally a jeans and t-shirt gal... BUT ATLEAST MY SHIT IS CLEAN!!! He has nasty hair... ugly shoes.. just all around.. yuck.
SIMMA DOWN NAW!! It's not just his looks that make him icky. It's also the way he presents himself. He used the terms "faggot" and "nigger" this night too. Even in a joking situation.. you don't use those words. That's just trashy. And he was cocky.. but not in a good way at all. I kept thinking.. what the hell do you have, that makes you so damn cocky.
Now.. I did have a blast hanging out at the Go-Cart place.. don't get me wrong.. but it was just so... "ugggg" [/charlie brown sigh] I even told him that I have asthma and can't really be around someone for too long that is smoking. My eyes were watering like crazy. He said he'll try not to smoke near me. That moron smoked atleast 10 cigs.
Went to Hooters after and he was still kinda jerkly. I love making fun of people... BUT only in a joking way and i make sure they know I'm joking. I just don't yell at some random dude and say "HEY!! love that outfit you have.. shorts and a sweatshirt.. YEAH" <--- yup that's what he yelled at some random dude on the side walk minding his own business. WHAT THE FUCK?!!? I wish random dude would've kicked his ass
So... I ended the night early. I was home by 11:30-ish. I felt gross when he gave me a side hug. I'm not all that affectionate of a person to begin with.. so if i don't like you.. you'll know. I'll barely even stand next to you or even make some sort of body contact with you, like a simple hand shake.
I don't even want him to call me at all. You know what I mean. Figures that this guy would be the one to actually call you when they say they would.
Yes... Imma picky mean BIOTCH.. but damn it.. I don't care
Not gonna waste my time or theirs waiting for "something" to be there when you aren't all that attracted to them any way.. even just as friends. Noooooooo.
Dating sucks ass!! This is why I rarely do this
We (one of the car clubs I'm in) were suppose to have a Hooters meet down in Toledo, since we haven't done jack crap this summer. Welp.. everyone flaked out.. SURPRISE SURPRISE
So, we met up in Toledo. He finally rolls into the parking lot where I'm meeting him at... he's driving like an asshole, I brush it off, because all of us on the site drive asshole-ish any way.
He gets out of his beat up Dodge Ram and I'll I'm thinking is... "gross."
Now.. I know what you're thinking.. come on.. it can't be that bad.. but lemme tell you this. First impressions... seriously.. they do matter. Think about it. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. that's what I thought
He's not what I thought he'd be like. First of all... he smokes. HUGE nono to me. He has yellow teeth. Not talking the normal discolorization that must of us have... I'm talking YEL-LOOOOOOW!! Pretty nasty. And you know what.. I'm totally a jeans and t-shirt gal... BUT ATLEAST MY SHIT IS CLEAN!!! He has nasty hair... ugly shoes.. just all around.. yuck.
SIMMA DOWN NAW!! It's not just his looks that make him icky. It's also the way he presents himself. He used the terms "faggot" and "nigger" this night too. Even in a joking situation.. you don't use those words. That's just trashy. And he was cocky.. but not in a good way at all. I kept thinking.. what the hell do you have, that makes you so damn cocky.
Now.. I did have a blast hanging out at the Go-Cart place.. don't get me wrong.. but it was just so... "ugggg" [/charlie brown sigh] I even told him that I have asthma and can't really be around someone for too long that is smoking. My eyes were watering like crazy. He said he'll try not to smoke near me. That moron smoked atleast 10 cigs.
Went to Hooters after and he was still kinda jerkly. I love making fun of people... BUT only in a joking way and i make sure they know I'm joking. I just don't yell at some random dude and say "HEY!! love that outfit you have.. shorts and a sweatshirt.. YEAH" <--- yup that's what he yelled at some random dude on the side walk minding his own business. WHAT THE FUCK?!!? I wish random dude would've kicked his ass
So... I ended the night early. I was home by 11:30-ish. I felt gross when he gave me a side hug. I'm not all that affectionate of a person to begin with.. so if i don't like you.. you'll know. I'll barely even stand next to you or even make some sort of body contact with you, like a simple hand shake.
I don't even want him to call me at all. You know what I mean. Figures that this guy would be the one to actually call you when they say they would.
Yes... Imma picky mean BIOTCH.. but damn it.. I don't care
Dating sucks ass!! This is why I rarely do this
Never heard of Murder Inc. Sounds like a rap group.
Don't have a camera on my phone. I got a cheap-o cell.
You better not have gotten me sick too. If my throat starts hurting, I'm coming after ya!