Not a whole lot going on here. Same shitty shit.. different day.
Work is BLAH. Why the hell they hired a new frameshop worker is beyond me... so.. now there's 8 of us back there... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!?! Sales have been low as ever... I had 2 sales this week.. on the 50% off entire order sale. BALLZ!!
Friday we picked up Smokey's ashes. I'm having a custom urn made for her and it should be here within a month. I'm excited about it.
I did my best not to cry when we picked her up... holding back was hard. I just set her on my lap and started at the white cardboard box that... Read More
Sorry to hear kiddo. Losing pets sucks. My parents had to give my kitty away while i was in tech school. i miss him, and think about him a lot. fortunatly time heals those wounds.
Put my cat Smokey to sleep yesterday/real early this morning
I'm a complete and total wreck... my folks are too.
Noticed she was having trouble breathing this week and she looked like she was breathing funny. Also wasn't going to the bath room at all. When I changed her litter box on Wed there was just a couple small ones in there. Very odd. Samething... Read More
I am sorry that I didn't post up earlier, but I am really sorry to hear what happened. I know it is rought to lose a pet. I bawled my eyes out when I lost my last cat...
lol... all i've ever driven is stick shift, so i can't imagine driving an automatic mustang, lol... i bet the guy at the dealership didn't like the almost-burned-out clutch on his new car...
Ok.. so.. I had my "date" (if you wanna call it that) this past Saturday.
We (one of the car clubs I'm in) were suppose to have a Hooters meet down in Toledo, since we haven't done jack crap this summer. Welp.. everyone flaked out.. SURPRISE SURPRISE So I called Dave, this new guy on the site I've been talking to for the past few... Read More