Were back on a normal schedule and back at home. Other than frequent trips to the pediatrician for blood tests to make sure his billirubin levels stay low enough we are just focusing on getting naps regulated and cloth diapering in full swing.
This little guy is a champion nurser so, breastfeeding is going super smooth. He's growing like a weed but,most of the cloth diapers i had bought were for babies over 8 pounds but, he was only 7lbs 9 oz when he was born and still doesn't quite fill them out.
So, i've been making him his own, tiny custom size prefolds, fitteds and covers. Ialso bought a few waterproof PUL covers from QTbuns on etsy in an extra small.
They have great diapers and covers and, most important for me, great prices and low shipping costs.
Heres some that i made.and the white one with little dogs is one from QTbuns.

And super cute upcycled cotton sweater pants to fit his tiny bum since his newborn onesies and pants are a bit baggy.

And my little squishy face on his first trip out in the sling with mom at 4 days old

Super cuteness
I'm so in love with him.

This little guy is a champion nurser so, breastfeeding is going super smooth. He's growing like a weed but,most of the cloth diapers i had bought were for babies over 8 pounds but, he was only 7lbs 9 oz when he was born and still doesn't quite fill them out.
So, i've been making him his own, tiny custom size prefolds, fitteds and covers. Ialso bought a few waterproof PUL covers from QTbuns on etsy in an extra small.
They have great diapers and covers and, most important for me, great prices and low shipping costs.
Heres some that i made.and the white one with little dogs is one from QTbuns.

And super cute upcycled cotton sweater pants to fit his tiny bum since his newborn onesies and pants are a bit baggy.

And my little squishy face on his first trip out in the sling with mom at 4 days old

Super cuteness

yay baby pictures!