I babysat for one of the girls at work last night. The little girl is 11 mos and was teething all night. Pretty sure It's her lower left canine.
I felt so overwhelmed and like such a failed mess by the time her dad came to get her.
In 3.5 hours I managed to feed her twice get her to smile and play for maybe 15 minutes and she finally settled down to sleep in her stroller with me rolling her back and forth on the porch right before she was picked up. But that was about it for the good stuff.
She cried or fussed most of the time she was with me. When I got her out of the car she was already rubbing her eyes for a nap and was hungry and wet so we didn't get off to a good start.
She was nearly hysterical when she saw Eric. She always freaks out when she first sees him then settles down later. So I knew diaper change and nap would not be first.
Then I was second guessing myself after the bottle because she looked like she would have gone right out if her diaper wasn't wet and uncomfortable.
After her diaper change she was getting too hot because it was hot as blazes in my apartment like it always is before the sun goes down so, I took of her cute little onsie so I could try to rock her down for her nap without getting her too over heated against my hot self.
But, she couldn't settle down so I let her play and found some new stuff for her to play with. That went well for a while until her teeth started hurting again. Then everything she picked up she pressed to her mouth and couldn't get any relief.
So I tried giving her her plastic spoon to chew and some popsicle and an ice cube in a towel but the popsicle ended up on her when she got a little aggressive with them so she lost interest in them and the crying and eye rubbing started back up.
So after about an hour of carrying her and rocking and bouncing and talking to her while she cried and giving her another bottle and diaper change I finally decided to try the stroller.
So I put her in umbrella stroller and took her out on the porch where it was dark and cool and started rolling it back and forth with the handles tipped low.
She was out in about 15 minutes.
Then her dad came to pick her up and I was in my short maternity dress with no bra and my hair a mess. She was out on my porch in her stroller asleep with the handles leaning in a chair and her stuffed toy that she sleeps with had sweet potato puree on its face from her jamming it in her mouth for gum relief. She was in nothing but a diaper and her clothes, sippy, bottle etc were strewn about my couch and coffee table.
I never lost my cool and I never got outwardly frustrated but, it was very over whelming and frustrating. And that was just 3.5 hours of what I'm going to be dealing with in a few months.
And I'm suposed to watch her again monday night
I felt so overwhelmed and like such a failed mess by the time her dad came to get her.
In 3.5 hours I managed to feed her twice get her to smile and play for maybe 15 minutes and she finally settled down to sleep in her stroller with me rolling her back and forth on the porch right before she was picked up. But that was about it for the good stuff.
She cried or fussed most of the time she was with me. When I got her out of the car she was already rubbing her eyes for a nap and was hungry and wet so we didn't get off to a good start.
She was nearly hysterical when she saw Eric. She always freaks out when she first sees him then settles down later. So I knew diaper change and nap would not be first.
Then I was second guessing myself after the bottle because she looked like she would have gone right out if her diaper wasn't wet and uncomfortable.

After her diaper change she was getting too hot because it was hot as blazes in my apartment like it always is before the sun goes down so, I took of her cute little onsie so I could try to rock her down for her nap without getting her too over heated against my hot self.
But, she couldn't settle down so I let her play and found some new stuff for her to play with. That went well for a while until her teeth started hurting again. Then everything she picked up she pressed to her mouth and couldn't get any relief.
So I tried giving her her plastic spoon to chew and some popsicle and an ice cube in a towel but the popsicle ended up on her when she got a little aggressive with them so she lost interest in them and the crying and eye rubbing started back up.
So after about an hour of carrying her and rocking and bouncing and talking to her while she cried and giving her another bottle and diaper change I finally decided to try the stroller.
So I put her in umbrella stroller and took her out on the porch where it was dark and cool and started rolling it back and forth with the handles tipped low.
She was out in about 15 minutes.
Then her dad came to pick her up and I was in my short maternity dress with no bra and my hair a mess. She was out on my porch in her stroller asleep with the handles leaning in a chair and her stuffed toy that she sleeps with had sweet potato puree on its face from her jamming it in her mouth for gum relief. She was in nothing but a diaper and her clothes, sippy, bottle etc were strewn about my couch and coffee table.
I never lost my cool and I never got outwardly frustrated but, it was very over whelming and frustrating. And that was just 3.5 hours of what I'm going to be dealing with in a few months.
And I'm suposed to watch her again monday night

If you haven't already go watch the DVD or read the book "happiest baby on the block" oh it's AWESOME!!! you might be able to pick it up at the library.
the shooshing method really works