hehe! I feel like I am always updating in the middle of the night,
oh welll!
Sooo things have been very hectic for me lately. Which is why i haven't updated in likeee TWENTY days! I told ya i was gonna try to update at least every few days, once again I fail hahahah
anyway I've had to be nurse for my dad who i live with, he has two heart attacks at the end of September, abnd just had triple bypass surgery. I am happy to say everything is just fine and hes recovering SO fast!!
All of my friends have been so supportive and helpful this past month that I can't thank them enough.
I've lost some friends this summer, which adds to how shitty 2010 has been for me. IM READY FOR THE NEW YEAR!
enough with the bad and sad...
I got a job being a photographer for a local entertainment magazine!!!
I am sooo stoked and excited about it! Also proud of myself because my first real job is something I actually am excited about doing and I have had no schooling or anything to help me get it. Just my pictures that show how good I am
I'm going to get into to the shows for free, meet the bands, and be able to do anything to get the shots i need.
haha even though its all local, the experience will be so awesome! Its what I've been waiting for
The magazine is distributed to over 300 companies, so sooo many people are gonna see my photography!
All i know is ITS A START!

I've been trying to take as many pictures as i could over the past month, but its really not that many

disappointment, IVE BEEN SO BUSY =(
My new Diana Dreamer
i found out my bows glow in the black light...
its Halloween time!!!!

my woowoo
my rooms almost done!!!

I think thats all I got for now.
Hopefully shooting another set soon, so awisssaa!!! IM COMIN FOR YOU ASAP!

I miss my Cbus girliess<3333
BED FOR ME NOW!!! the sun is coming up soon hahah

hehe! I feel like I am always updating in the middle of the night,
oh welll!
Sooo things have been very hectic for me lately. Which is why i haven't updated in likeee TWENTY days! I told ya i was gonna try to update at least every few days, once again I fail hahahah
anyway I've had to be nurse for my dad who i live with, he has two heart attacks at the end of September, abnd just had triple bypass surgery. I am happy to say everything is just fine and hes recovering SO fast!!

All of my friends have been so supportive and helpful this past month that I can't thank them enough.
I've lost some friends this summer, which adds to how shitty 2010 has been for me. IM READY FOR THE NEW YEAR!
enough with the bad and sad...
I got a job being a photographer for a local entertainment magazine!!!

I am sooo stoked and excited about it! Also proud of myself because my first real job is something I actually am excited about doing and I have had no schooling or anything to help me get it. Just my pictures that show how good I am

I'm going to get into to the shows for free, meet the bands, and be able to do anything to get the shots i need.
haha even though its all local, the experience will be so awesome! Its what I've been waiting for

The magazine is distributed to over 300 companies, so sooo many people are gonna see my photography!
All i know is ITS A START!

I've been trying to take as many pictures as i could over the past month, but its really not that many


My new Diana Dreamer

i found out my bows glow in the black light...

its Halloween time!!!!

my woowoo

my rooms almost done!!!

I think thats all I got for now.
Hopefully shooting another set soon, so awisssaa!!! IM COMIN FOR YOU ASAP!

I miss my Cbus girliess<3333
BED FOR ME NOW!!! the sun is coming up soon hahah

Glad your Dad's ok (I lost mine last year so I know how intense the health roller-coaster can get)
You have kick-ass taste in TV and Games btw.
/random journal stalk