curb your fear... no pun intended. think of it as a video game. keep it between the lines, get 50 points. red light is 100 points, green lose a turn. knock over one pedestrian get 5 points, knock over 4 get a tetris, which is worth 4,000. but they have to be all at the same time.
if you need information on how to mount a dual barrel 50 calibur anti aircraft weapon on the roof (with swivel action motarized targeting system) then just ask....
hey, go for the driving i'm aiming to do it this summer!!
that sux that you have to miss out on cheese! i'll just have to love it twice as much now for you!
if you need information on how to mount a dual barrel 50 calibur anti aircraft weapon on the roof (with swivel action motarized targeting system) then just ask....
that sux that you have to miss out on cheese!