hi @missy @rambo đź–¤
this week’s blog homework is “what is your theme song?”
at first i started thinking about this way too hard, “what are my favorite songs from my childhood, what’s the best song that represents who i am?” i was wracking my brain going through so many different genres to pick the one to really show off who i am, trying to remember all the songs i dance to at the club, songs that were on my Myspace, songs pick when i sick Karaoke. i thought “man, i think i’m going about this the wrong way,” so i pulled out my iTunes and went to my Top 25 Most Played songs and there it was, number one with a bullet
Cry Baby by Melanie Martinez
this is the one! in this song, Melanie describes a girl whose heart is much too big and this has always been said to me throughout my life. i’ve always been called a cry baby, and asked why i take things so hard. i actually even cried the first time i heard this song because i thought wow, i’ve never heard myself described so perfectly. i used to be embarrassed to show my vulnerable, bleeding heart to others because of the way people would treat me for it or take advantage. i would beat myself up over being told things like “why do you take things so personally?” i’d think to myself, “i don’t know why but i need to stop taking things so personally and learn how to turn my heart off.” i was so ashamed to be seen as sensitive or too emotional. it’s taken me years and i still struggle with being proud of that part of me. my heart has so much love to give and i feel very intense connections with people, and this is one of the things that makes me special. i’m able to share with other humans this love and passion i have that burns inside me. i could never distinguish the flame. the world we live in now is so desensitized, disconnected, and disillusioned. i spend the better part of my days learning to love myself, and my unique transparency and bleeding heart are beautiful things that i am learning how to embrace more and more everyday.
it’s okay to be a cry baby 🖤