Ok so I gave up my fight against Peeps.
I used to tell people, when they offerd me a Peep or told me I should eat them, "Sure, if you want to see me suck all the sugar off and spit out a slimy white blob... Hand 'em over."
Of course they declined.
But this year... this year I have succombed.
Only because people tell me that they are best when stale.
All crunchy like.
So, I figured a hard marshmello is better than a nasty fresh one.
So my experiment begins...
What boggles my mind though, is that I thought my friend Dacia was kidding when she said leave them open for a week.
Those fuckers are tough!
I leave them wide open for three days and they are just as soft as they were when I opened them.
I'm afraid... Very afraid.
PS: House of 1000 corpses was the shit.
I used to tell people, when they offerd me a Peep or told me I should eat them, "Sure, if you want to see me suck all the sugar off and spit out a slimy white blob... Hand 'em over."
Of course they declined.
But this year... this year I have succombed.
Only because people tell me that they are best when stale.
All crunchy like.
So, I figured a hard marshmello is better than a nasty fresh one.
So my experiment begins...
What boggles my mind though, is that I thought my friend Dacia was kidding when she said leave them open for a week.
Those fuckers are tough!
I leave them wide open for three days and they are just as soft as they were when I opened them.
I'm afraid... Very afraid.
PS: House of 1000 corpses was the shit.

my mom does that sick peeps thing. she bought , like , a case of them last easter when they all got marked down and was eating them for months. i think it's a strange subculture, because the other day i looked on the table and there was the most disfigured peeps in the box. it looked like some alien came and sucked all the sugar off and left disfigured white blobs. all peeps eaters do this?