Forgive me father, for I have simed...
I've let the Sims suck me back in.
Especially now that I got a subscribtion to 8th Deadly Sim, which has the best 18+ sim downloads.
So far I've downloaded stuff for a Sim Hooters, an adult store, a sleazy motel, a movie theatre and my favorite; a strip club.
They even had a bunch of stuff for "herbal gatherings".
They turned the bubble machine into a bong.
I think it was always ment to be a bong seeing out after the sims blew bubbles they would laugh kind of oddly... like they were high.
I've let the Sims suck me back in.
Especially now that I got a subscribtion to 8th Deadly Sim, which has the best 18+ sim downloads.
So far I've downloaded stuff for a Sim Hooters, an adult store, a sleazy motel, a movie theatre and my favorite; a strip club.
They even had a bunch of stuff for "herbal gatherings".
They turned the bubble machine into a bong.
I think it was always ment to be a bong seeing out after the sims blew bubbles they would laugh kind of oddly... like they were high.

i've never played the sims, the temptation was too great, plus you seem like a groovy girl-who needs alternative realities-come exist in this one with me...I'm fun I promise, and I dont have any friends in detroit, tell me all about it..would you?