I woke up at 4:00am this morning and all I could think about doing was downloading Winamp skins.
I don't know what it is about me and WinAmp skins.
I just LOVE doing it and I'll download anything that looks good look like something, or appeals to my techophillia.
I have way too many.
I even downloaded one for that movie RockStar with Mark Wallberg because it looked like a guitar.
Of course I had to find some Matrix ones. Buwahaha.
I've also be having my trademark vivid dreams of nonsense again, which I haven't done in a while.
Like last night It was all about me constantly buying gerbils and hamsters and compulsivly buying more and more stuff for their habitat. The habitat got so big I had to give it, it's own room in the house. Not to mention the dozens of spanish speaking immigrants that seem to be hanging around. I had to figure out how to say "These's aren't demons. They're gerbils." in spanish. And for some reason Pink was interested in all this and we ended up best friends and we bought the upstairs to my old house to live in.
Yes, Just the upstairs.
The night before that I was in the Eastern Market which had turned into Refugeeland.
And the night before that my pops was like this zombie type guy trying to hold me Liv Tyler and Royston Langdon hostage. We were dressed in medival costumes and ran to a bus stop and rode it all the way to the lake in Grosse Point. It was completely frozen and had one really thin bridge going from Grosse Point to Winsor. So we tried to cross it thinking that my dad was behind us and he ended up turning into a giant sea creature that was already in the lake.
Some other stuff happend that I can't remember and then I remember walking around 1940's New York with Jennifer Aniston and stopping to see a indoor baseball game.
Half of the seats were beds...
I don't know what it is about me and WinAmp skins.
I just LOVE doing it and I'll download anything that looks good look like something, or appeals to my techophillia.
I have way too many.
I even downloaded one for that movie RockStar with Mark Wallberg because it looked like a guitar.
Of course I had to find some Matrix ones. Buwahaha.
I've also be having my trademark vivid dreams of nonsense again, which I haven't done in a while.
Like last night It was all about me constantly buying gerbils and hamsters and compulsivly buying more and more stuff for their habitat. The habitat got so big I had to give it, it's own room in the house. Not to mention the dozens of spanish speaking immigrants that seem to be hanging around. I had to figure out how to say "These's aren't demons. They're gerbils." in spanish. And for some reason Pink was interested in all this and we ended up best friends and we bought the upstairs to my old house to live in.
Yes, Just the upstairs.
The night before that I was in the Eastern Market which had turned into Refugeeland.
And the night before that my pops was like this zombie type guy trying to hold me Liv Tyler and Royston Langdon hostage. We were dressed in medival costumes and ran to a bus stop and rode it all the way to the lake in Grosse Point. It was completely frozen and had one really thin bridge going from Grosse Point to Winsor. So we tried to cross it thinking that my dad was behind us and he ended up turning into a giant sea creature that was already in the lake.
Some other stuff happend that I can't remember and then I remember walking around 1940's New York with Jennifer Aniston and stopping to see a indoor baseball game.
Half of the seats were beds...

oh man, i remember downtown, i think. i only got to see it a couple of times before i started moving around. wasn't that the one with the kids that some of them were taggers and this one guy worked in a copy shop but hated it. i don't it was forever ago that i saw this cartoon anyway. oh well.