So same group; the second set of characters. I play Homunculus Assassin / Sorceror. Same homebrew campaign. We got transported into a room with a stargate-esque. After fighting a German-accented blue tiefling bent on bringing the god of war through the portal; we managed to beat him to 5 HP. He then proceeds to cast false life and second wind on himself going back up to 40 HP. My character has a strength bonus of 0. I rolled an eleven and the tiefling rolled a nine on his acrobatics to dodge me grappling him. Needless to say, I did. To which I proceeded to drag him to said portal and thrust him thru as a sacrifice to whatever was on the other side. After the tiefling was pulled from my hand, a man stepped thru and proceeded to talk to my character. I asked the DM if my creator would have had books or notes about this man. He responded roll a history check, rolled and got a 21. Remembered reading vague information about said "bad guy". Had a mini conversation with him about my creator and why I came to the school. He then asked why I had offered a sacrifice to him, and I told him in hopes that my classmates and I would be spared to live and leave. He agreed to this and our Commanding Officer showed up made the room go sub-zero and teleported us back to the school grounds.
TL;DR - Once again I've talked my way out of an intense situation with a bad guy, with very good rolls. Gawd I need to stop involving my character in conversations with bad guys before one of them either joins or dies. LOL