So I started playing with the second group of folks; at the request of a coworker. The campaign is total homebrew, which isn't bad. Just a little unconventional. So before I begin, let me tell you about my character. His name is Setsuna Ishmel, a 98-year-old sea elf, still just a baby. The way the DM has us playing we are to choose both a martial class and a caster class. So I'm an Eldritch Knight Fighter / Archfey Warlock. We started with Group 1 of characters, who were on an escort mission. Said mission goes sideways really quick when the person we're supposed to be protecting comes under fire. The gentleman beside her takes a sniper round to the head. And this folks is where things get weird. Dead guy reanimates, we get ambushed, a door gets open to reveal zombies, the hotel building we're in tries to swallow three out of seven of us, and then we find out the person we're protecting isn't even the real person, but a teacher from the school we attend. Now if all that wasn't trippy hold on it gets wild at this part. Said teacher (head counselor) tells us that we need to make a hasty departure for something bad is on its way up. So I take my pistol out to distract said bad guy only to not be able to fire it. Yes, the bad guy has Sanctuary up, and no I didn't die. Anyways I take the elevator that he rode up back downstairs; only to be greeted by the sight of the same bad guy now holding the severed head of the counselor. To this, my character responds, "Well, that's one way to get ahead." I then proceed to pull an apple from my pocket and place it on said head. After which, I slid by him and headed to the door backward as to not take my eyes off of him. Only to have a quick look behind me to place my back against the door. Looking forward he moved to within an arm's reach of me and asked about a dream I had. He then tosses the head to me and tells me not to destroy it.
TL;DR - My character met the bad guy of our campaign as we know it right now and managed to escape with his life. Moral of the story .... there isn't one.