Five days CHA CHA CHA.
I can't believe I'll be exiting the country for a month! Woo hoo.
The hair is blond at the moment and I am prepairing the cotton candy pink for Sunday night. Everyone at work is way supportive and I'm trying not to be bitchy. When I feel the end of something is arriving, I tend to sever friendships by self sabotoge. I'll get super moody -not because I don't like these people, but because it's hard saying good bye, and a farewell for good perhapse. Sure, I'll be coming back to New Orleans, sometime mid August; but, there is a great chance I won't see these people again unless I hunt them down.
Working in the waiting world, you watch friends come and go quickly -turn over time, as it is refered to. I try not attach myself to people I am sure won't be around in a year's time. I hate investing time and energy into people that don't stick around. When I make a friend, I try to keep them for a lifetime.

Well, it's about that time I get my butt off this computer and head off to bed. I'll probably write something more before I leave on Monday...

anyway, I'm so addicted to your mardi gras beads that I've arranged for someone to get me more.
so fucking good!! You couldn't have suggested a better band for me to see!!
I had a great time hanging out w/ you and I hope you are having a great time in italy!!!
oh and your eyes!! wow.. hehe i forgot to tell you that..