I have been devoured by the mass craze that is known as THE IPOD. I too have been prone to the symptoms of: fatigue from loading 800 songs on a slow ass computer until 4am: headaches from staring at the wee little one inch screen in reverence: my face hurts from laughing and crying in acknowledgement of songs LONG forgotten, the songs tickle the hypothalamus forcing episodic memories to the surface. Oh curse you IPOD, I love you, I hate you, I love you, I hate you but I love you.
I indulged and bought an Ipod photo-30GB on Wednesday. It arrived on Saturday, and Ive been doing nothing but playing with it. I have lost precious hours of sleep and hours entertaining creative pursuits. I keep saying, Ill just load one more cd, just one more, and then Ill get back to ----work, sleep, eating, um whatever sustains life. I have raped my exs mp3 collection. Ahh, it WAS nice having a band geek boyfriend. I now have loaded 2000 songs on my pod with his quality choice in tunes.

Hey some people are SO into their Ipods, they think they ARE Ipods.

The ipod has spoken.
i knwo what you mean about the ipod, i finally broke down and got one too, although it's just the little ipod shuffle, i still love it! i named it jasper.
[Edited on May 22, 2005 2:11PM]