Do you want to come into my boudoir? Well you can check out my apartment picts. I threw them in a folder for my good pal merrycaskets aka lurking sob that taunts me daily. I could post all 26 picts but it would be a pain in the ass to scroll down.
Anyhow, I am in a super excellent mood. I made 210 bucks tonight (which means more money for Italy) and best of all I heard from an old friend on myspace. I hadn't talked to him in YEARS and we parted ways in anger. I think I even wrote a poem called 'idiot with a guitar and a car'. Harsh, don't I know it. Anyhow he's in love and all is right with the world.
Speaking of right... greeneyes is alive and kicking. I hadn't heard from him in a while, I thought he moved on to greener pastures. So please come here and hug me.
That looks so Pottery Barn. Your picture makes me want to sleep.
beautiful apartment!!!