So, Im zooming down Camp street on my bike. I have Morphine full blast on my headphones; I wouldnt have heard the cop or the screeching car if I tried. But I saw it coming full blast. I worry about random cars hitting me daily, Ive had a few close calls before. But God damn, the General E Lee (Dukes of Hazards car) is swerving down the street at a million miles per hour. I have a sudden feeling that I might die. I have seen many weird things in New Orleans, I just assumed this was yet another one of those times. Nah. I had unwittingly rode unto the street where they were filming. Good god. I was so freaked out that I started laughing. The production assistant was sweet enough not to swear at me fucking up the shot. He saw my panic and smiled with me. I still tried to go down the street while they reset since, I had to be at work in 5 minutes. Ahhh, nope, no go. I had to take a different route to work. I feel terrible that the shot was ruined, but there was no real warning as to what they were up to. Heck, Ill end up on the cutting room floor its too bad since my panic was real that makes for great outtakes.
Lets see, other news. Im feeling pretty good. I made a new friend which helps with my mood as of late. Woo hoo! -nothing like a platonic guy friend to pull a girl out of depression.
I'm going for some coffee, anyone up for a quit jaunt to the Trolley Stop cafe?

Lets see, other news. Im feeling pretty good. I made a new friend which helps with my mood as of late. Woo hoo! -nothing like a platonic guy friend to pull a girl out of depression.
I'm going for some coffee, anyone up for a quit jaunt to the Trolley Stop cafe?

By the way, have I tried my mad pimp skills on you yet today? No? Well, when I get some, remind me to try that.