HAPPY 1:05 Bitches!
I've been a serious slacka. I haven't been updating in ages, and pooping out on all the u105 kids. Please love me. I'll try harder. At least I haven't been pooping ON the 105 kids... god knows dookiejones would love that. In fact let's all go and poop in his journal. He's a big fan of the #2 duty. Mwah.
I'm enjoying my 1-05-05 with the night off, and a quick romp to the video store. I just finished Easy Rider and I'm making my way through the list of top 200 movies of all time. I think I'm hitting a wall though, I can't find most of them at Hollywood video. Blasts. I may have to put the quest on hold until I figure out how to download some movies.

Okay, I'm off to get dvds...
oh, and
i just watched Dr Strangelove
thats on there somewhere