Ahhh a New Year, it's about time. I'm about ready to mix it up a bit. I finally tried pot; that was a pretty big deal for me. I had been a virgin for sooooo long, now it's like having vampire eyes... seeing the world through a totally new perspective. *remember in Interview with a Vampire... Louis in the graveyard -the statues blink and move... yeah well that's my pot experience =everything is shiny. I was watching my friends talk and they looked like cut out dolls from the background. Soooo cool. I watched the Royal Tenenbaums -Wes Anderson had the pot smoker in mind when he made that one. I swear there are a million things you miss in the background unless you're looking for them. I can't believe I waited this long to try something so good.
I have to reprogram my head from all the Catholic bullshit that was crammed in there. 2005 The year of the deconstructing brain!
Happy New Year you gorgeous creatures of SG
*I still am looking for a New Years kiss, I went out and got silly drunk, but no boy or girl to smooch... pout.
Welcome to the innerworld, enjoy your stay with us.
"Drugs arouse the powers of analogy, set objects in motion, make the world a vast poem shaped by rhymes and rhythms." Octavio Paz, Alternating Current
"And so, a piece of broken plaster, picked at random from the ruin of a building... for example... becomes, under the eye of the hashish smoker the repository of an aesthetic secret just as vivid and individual as the secret in the sculptured grain of a japanese netsuki, with its intricate carving out of some semi precious metal." -Alexander Trocchi, On Drugs
im still having that bs slammed into me... by family and such...
and im still that much MORE morbid about life/death because oif it *shrugs*