So, I'm on my bike riding home from work. La la la, look at me I'm completely unaware of traffic and other causes of sudden death, la la la. And then BAM! Something twacks me in the eye. And were talking eyes wide OPEN. The pain was instant, I saw a flash of white light, and doh, fucking contact was ripped out of my eye. I was seriously freaking, since I couldn't see a damn thing. I am supposing something fell from a tree or someone threw something at me while cycling. -some fuckwits think it hilarious to toss beer bottles, litter, cigarettes and the likes to those on bikes. I'd like to return the sweet gesture with a "Here, have a foot up your ass."
My eye still hurts, but I'm grateful that I'm not blind. I scheduled an eye appointment for Saturday. Sigh, yet another fucking bill. I'm hoping the appointment and new contacts won't cost more than three hundred. I've got the special type of contacts that cost a butt load. Oy Vey.
I suppose, in all the fiasco, I got to thinking. I enjoy torturing my emotions by playing WHAT IF senarios in my head. I suddenly realized that I'm pretty much alone. Aside from my mum, I'd be screwed if I got hurt. Don't get me wrong, this is not a "oh let's pitty Alisa journal and tell her how much we care." This is a "Fuck, I need a plan b or back up plan if I want to survive." I'm not alone in this either. I think there should be a buddy system. If my eye gets poked out by squirls pelting rocks, or if your arms get torn off by wild dogs then we'll work together. I suppose that's why people get married and have kids -it's their survival back up plan. So, who's in my survive this shitty life buddy plan package? We'll all pair off into teams... anybody?
Fuck... I really am all alone.
Are we having weekly meets? If so, I don't know if I'll be able to join.
i'm totally in!