I am now part of the war machine. I'm honored. As you can see I am putting my college degree to great use with my dazzletastic photoshop skills. Yeaaaa! I'm sure my student loan people will be impressed. *cough*
So yeah anyone feel like meeting for a writer's group on Friday??? I need to be inspired, damnit. I also need to get that seafood smell out of my work cloths. I had cocktail sauce on my shirt for almost two weeks before I even addressed the stain -I think it has grown mold. mmmm, good. If anyone asks for more cocktail sauce, I'm going to offer them a lick of my work shirt. mwah.
Hey only 4 more days until I get some postage in my mailbox. wink wink nudge nudge. Yeah a certain someone from Kentucky is visiting. Woohoo.
After reading your last journal entry I must wish upon you these three things.
That you work clothes are soon washed.
That you live each day as if it were your last.
And that your mailbox will soon be full of love.
Later Hottie!
*note* Sorry for any type-o's, I've been drinking since 2pm.