New and exciting ways to entertain myself... NATURE WALKS. It's spring in the bitchin little town of Altoona...
I decided to get out of the house on Easter with my high school sweetheart. (Wild stuff... I couldn't be happier by the by. Turns out Matthew found the perfect gal for him as well. Everyone wins this round of relationship bingo.)
So get this, we went to the giant boulders in the woods and I found my old catch phrase still painted on the rocks. I had always complained that graffiti should mean something and I took matters into my own hands TEN years ago... it's still there. Who knew
Man I usually hate when other people take pictures of me. I end up looking super goofy or partially retarded, but John took a friggin fantastic pict.
The awesome thing about this picture (other than the subject in a hoodie) is the fact I did not have to color correct any of these photos in photoshop. For real, it was just that gorgeous of a day out.
Okay, I am off to Pittsburgh this week for the comic book convention. I know I know, dork-a-roma, but considering I colorize these things in my spare time; it's only apropos that I turn up to hang at one. Should prove interesting. I know for sure it won't be as sweet as LilyK's porn convention, but hell we can't all be rockstars.
I decided to get out of the house on Easter with my high school sweetheart. (Wild stuff... I couldn't be happier by the by. Turns out Matthew found the perfect gal for him as well. Everyone wins this round of relationship bingo.)
So get this, we went to the giant boulders in the woods and I found my old catch phrase still painted on the rocks. I had always complained that graffiti should mean something and I took matters into my own hands TEN years ago... it's still there. Who knew

Man I usually hate when other people take pictures of me. I end up looking super goofy or partially retarded, but John took a friggin fantastic pict.

The awesome thing about this picture (other than the subject in a hoodie) is the fact I did not have to color correct any of these photos in photoshop. For real, it was just that gorgeous of a day out.

Okay, I am off to Pittsburgh this week for the comic book convention. I know I know, dork-a-roma, but considering I colorize these things in my spare time; it's only apropos that I turn up to hang at one. Should prove interesting. I know for sure it won't be as sweet as LilyK's porn convention, but hell we can't all be rockstars.
spraypaint....the modern hammer and chizel