I am the kind of person who can't resist looking at scratched off lotto tickets. They lie on the grass or pavement splaying their colors to attract another loser. Perhapse this is the winner that fell out of a trouser pocket. Perhapse.

For a mili second I think of what I would do with a cash prize of forty thousand. I taste vacation, I taste a new car, I taste freedom. I can feel the burden of student loans rolling off my back...

And I sigh.
Another loser caught in the trap.
The owner of the ticket must have been too depressed to throw it in the trash; as though they couldn't muster the energy to walk to the nearest trash bin.
Neither could I. I picked it up, examined it, lost hope, and let gravity reclaim the ticket... resetting the trap.
In other news, one of my projects is coming to a close. I am thrilled to be done with coloring work for a bit. Now I will take the dedication I had for that project and put furvor into my own work. I think I have three more weeks until unemployment runs out. sigh. I suppose I should put more of an effort into that job search now.
I hope all is well in your world.
On First Night in Pittsburgh in 2003 I wanted one of the buttons that they had for getting into all the events
Of course I didn't want to pay the $12 since I wasn't interested in most of what was going on.
So I spent the time walking back to the hotel trying to find a lonely discarded button on the ground.
No luck but found other interesting stuff
Most of which I won't get into
Luckily the hotel had two big boxes of buttons out front that they didn't sell.
I swiped a couple of handfuls with quite the drunken smile on my face - most of which I ended up throwing away - who needs that many buttons, not like I work at TGI Fridays
Aren't happy endings fun