All the graffiti you can handle
Last night Matthew and I watched a movie called
What the Bleep Do We Know? I saw it in the theatre ages ago, I highly recommend it. It's about quantum physics which I know and understand very little about. I think it made Matthew question his existence greatly. I do that everyday since I have no solid plans laid out like he does. I have learned that planning more than three to six months at a time is somewhat worthless. Sure some things need to be plotted in advance like vacations, savings, and medical insurance... but everything else is just life happening. I think I am trying to find peace in that. I've stopped worrying if Matthew and I will be together or if he's an opportunist and will leave me for someone better. I don't care about that anymore. I give up, I give in, I can't waste any more time on insecurities. What I think about now is how to make money. How to work from home, how NOT to leave the house, how to take over the world without really trying. It's all about massive results with the least amount of effort on my part. Some might call it laziness, I call it GENIUS.