Sooooo, I gave up SGUK. That happened. In case you were wondering, I'm not leaving the site. If anything, I might start participating a little more now. I just wasn't invested enough to be giving SGUK the kind of care and attention it deserves. It need someone a little more dedicated. Drewbeckett took it over and I'm sure he'll do a fine job. He's good people.
Life-type things
Other than that, my life remains pretty much the same. I actually just deleted a really pretentious paragraph about it that used the phrase 'a state of perpetual unmoving flux' in all sincerity before I caught myself and mentally slapped myself across the face for being a bell-end. Suffice to say though, I feel lately like I'm permanently caught in the space between moments, waiting for something to happen. I don't like that, but I don't know if I trust enough in myself to force myself out. Still, can't really complain, I'm happy enough. I had my first ever fetish night, going to yell support for a show by the stupidly talented Dixy and her new clothing line, Slaughterhouse Couture which was awesome. I got to watch several of my friends parade around dressed as latex Batman characters. Plus, wholly unrelated to the show itself, I saw a bunch of dongs.
Raps and Stuff
The new P.O.S album dropped a couple of days ago and I've had it on almost constant listen trying to puzzle it out. His last album, Never Better was like a grenade going off in my gut. Amazing flow, intensely personal, amazing lyricism and a real sense of passion and ferocity coming from his punk rock roots bleeding through. I found it really personally affecting to listen to, this track still gives me goosebumps every time
The new album is good. Damn good. His flow is as tight as ever and his beats waver between simple but layered hooks and Michael Bay's vision of a dance club in Space Berlin. That said, I'm just not clicking with it as strongly as I did the last album. I like it, but I don't think this is something I end up listening to at 3am to still the racing thoughts in my head, slapping my thigh to the beat and dipping my head in reverent concentration. That said, it has a collaboration with someone from Bon Iver and that's just delectably weird as shit. This track isn't that one, but it's a banger
Also, listen to this, it made my heart stop and my breath catch in my throat.
Life-type things
Other than that, my life remains pretty much the same. I actually just deleted a really pretentious paragraph about it that used the phrase 'a state of perpetual unmoving flux' in all sincerity before I caught myself and mentally slapped myself across the face for being a bell-end. Suffice to say though, I feel lately like I'm permanently caught in the space between moments, waiting for something to happen. I don't like that, but I don't know if I trust enough in myself to force myself out. Still, can't really complain, I'm happy enough. I had my first ever fetish night, going to yell support for a show by the stupidly talented Dixy and her new clothing line, Slaughterhouse Couture which was awesome. I got to watch several of my friends parade around dressed as latex Batman characters. Plus, wholly unrelated to the show itself, I saw a bunch of dongs.
Raps and Stuff
The new P.O.S album dropped a couple of days ago and I've had it on almost constant listen trying to puzzle it out. His last album, Never Better was like a grenade going off in my gut. Amazing flow, intensely personal, amazing lyricism and a real sense of passion and ferocity coming from his punk rock roots bleeding through. I found it really personally affecting to listen to, this track still gives me goosebumps every time
The new album is good. Damn good. His flow is as tight as ever and his beats waver between simple but layered hooks and Michael Bay's vision of a dance club in Space Berlin. That said, I'm just not clicking with it as strongly as I did the last album. I like it, but I don't think this is something I end up listening to at 3am to still the racing thoughts in my head, slapping my thigh to the beat and dipping my head in reverent concentration. That said, it has a collaboration with someone from Bon Iver and that's just delectably weird as shit. This track isn't that one, but it's a banger
Also, listen to this, it made my heart stop and my breath catch in my throat.
Phew! I thought the Hellraisers had taken a grave toll on you and you were gone for good!
Almost I've lost a few inches, still not where I want to be but I'm working on it