Well concerning the last entry, stuff happened, it was all a bit weird and unpleasant and plans got thrown off track for a bit, but all is well now and things are starting to chug back along nicely.
In slightly more entertaining news, work's been a bit mental recently. As you can imagine, working in a library at half-term is a bit of a nightmare, especially when you're on a council estate where parenting skills can be slightly thin on the ground. Still, it's not been so bad, we've arranged loads of stuff for the kids, we've had music workshops and drama workshops and had them running around pretending to be in the Second World War and pretending to be Fantastic Mr Fox and making healthy food and all of that jazz, but they've still been pains in the neck a lot of the time. A couple of them in particular swing wildly between being adorable and making me want to strangle them. They're obivously bored as they keep following us round and asking us for jobs to do. They're also particularly enamoured of my manager, Maddy and my colleague, Courtney. One of them told me the other day 'We're the little babies, and there's big brother Courtney, mummy Maddy and grandad Ben. And Ben and Maddy are brother and sister.' No, I don't know how that works either.
Also, they drew pictures of me:

In slightly more entertaining news, work's been a bit mental recently. As you can imagine, working in a library at half-term is a bit of a nightmare, especially when you're on a council estate where parenting skills can be slightly thin on the ground. Still, it's not been so bad, we've arranged loads of stuff for the kids, we've had music workshops and drama workshops and had them running around pretending to be in the Second World War and pretending to be Fantastic Mr Fox and making healthy food and all of that jazz, but they've still been pains in the neck a lot of the time. A couple of them in particular swing wildly between being adorable and making me want to strangle them. They're obivously bored as they keep following us round and asking us for jobs to do. They're also particularly enamoured of my manager, Maddy and my colleague, Courtney. One of them told me the other day 'We're the little babies, and there's big brother Courtney, mummy Maddy and grandad Ben. And Ben and Maddy are brother and sister.' No, I don't know how that works either.
Also, they drew pictures of me:

What is that strange red blob of crayon where your genitals should be supposed to represent?
what The_New_Scum & Ortus said, man...