Things to do today
1. Tell someone off on the Internet for being a fucking idiot
2. Lemonparty half of SGUK
3. Finally beat Jets N Guns on Normal, damn that games hard
4. Do the washing
5. Do the shopping
6. Clean the bathroom
50% ain't all that bad.
P.S. you should probably go listen to my Muxtape and tell me how awesome my taste is.
1. Tell someone off on the Internet for being a fucking idiot
2. Lemonparty half of SGUK
3. Finally beat Jets N Guns on Normal, damn that games hard
4. Do the washing
5. Do the shopping
6. Clean the bathroom
50% ain't all that bad.
P.S. you should probably go listen to my Muxtape and tell me how awesome my taste is.
You're #1 has made me bookmark you. May that always be on your list, as it's always on mine.