Right, well, Hello my lovely lovely people of SGland. This is all a load of all wank, isn't it? Aah well, at least the speed's back up a bit. That aside, things have actually been quite eventful for me lately. Biggest news is I shall soon be the flatmate of some twat in a rather nifty flat down Saaaaaf Landon. I've earned his favour already by buying a fancy new HD LCD telly and X-Box 360. Our flat will soon be a nerd's crazy wet dream. Other than that, business continues as normal. The bowling meet was awesome fun, even if I kept tensing up and couldn't relax during the karaoke because people kept threatening to make me sing. It's weird, I've done some hugely embarrassing things for shits and giggles, I'm pretty thick-skinned most of the time, but karaoke is the one thing I will never do, just the thought of it makes me want to put a fork through my hand. That's just about the only thing I don't do. Ok, karaoke and rollercoasters, those are the two things I won't do, but that's about it. Seriously, my idea of hell is being put on Oblivion non-stop and being forced to sing a medley of Avril Lavigne's greatest hit. Aah well, other than that it was good fun, and thankfully I managed to not come last in any of the games of bowling, an achievement I'm very proud of (thankyou lissom
). Enough of that however, I'm getting bored, and I feel like doing this again:
Big Poppa Creamy's AudioGoodness: That's right Bitches, it's back Edition
Clicky here for a direct download link to a Zip file containing the four songs in question.
The Draft - New Eyes Open
I just got into The Draft recently, after going to see them playing support at a gig. I was immediately impressed. Formed from the ashes of Hot Water Music and it shows. An emotionally charged song that builds nearly perfectly until it's peak in the final verse. Yes, it's a song about a breakup, but it's not about how how black and twisted your soul is and no-one understood you but her and you will die alone and all that nonsense, the song captures that sense of mad optimism that comes from a break-up, that urge to push straight through and move on. I like it, it makes me flail around like an idiot (which is the real test for any song for me). Go buy their album 'In a Million Pieces' immediately. Go on. I'll wait.
The Pink Spiders - Stereo Speakers
Going in a different direction now, Stereo Speakers is all deliberately low-fi overdrive snarl, faded speaker hiss and snotty indie-punk sneer. Eminently danceable, upbeat and hangs off the chorus comfortably. This is one for the club, if they played stuff like this at Afterschool I might like it a bit more.
The Gossip - Standing In The Way of Control
So it seems like The Gossip are getting kinda well-known recently, I can't say as I noticed but then I don't really pay much attention, I just listen to what I listen to. It's for damn good reason though, Beth Ditto's vocals immediately stand out of the crowd. The lady has some serious lungs on her and she puts them to good use, with songs just dripping with soul married to slap-back fuzz and almost disco vibes.Heavy with gender politics, but still maanges to be a foot-stomping exercise in bare simplicity. The hype seems to be deserved.
Riverboat Gamblers - The Curse of the Ivory Coast
This song has owned my life recently. It's nothing particularly weird or clever, simple enough three-chord, pissed-off punk, but it's just put together so damn well. The lyrics just stay the right side of the line marking the descent into over-dramatic, the song chugs along raucously, if your head isn't bobbing along by the first chorus, there are things wrong with you, and the vocals are tight and aggressive. It's a real fist in the air kind of song and I have NOT been able to stop listening to it. Seriously. I think I have a problem. Just go and get their latest 'To The Confusion of our enemies' and see what I mean.
Big Poppa Creamy's AudioGoodness: That's right Bitches, it's back Edition
Clicky here for a direct download link to a Zip file containing the four songs in question.
The Draft - New Eyes Open
I just got into The Draft recently, after going to see them playing support at a gig. I was immediately impressed. Formed from the ashes of Hot Water Music and it shows. An emotionally charged song that builds nearly perfectly until it's peak in the final verse. Yes, it's a song about a breakup, but it's not about how how black and twisted your soul is and no-one understood you but her and you will die alone and all that nonsense, the song captures that sense of mad optimism that comes from a break-up, that urge to push straight through and move on. I like it, it makes me flail around like an idiot (which is the real test for any song for me). Go buy their album 'In a Million Pieces' immediately. Go on. I'll wait.
The Pink Spiders - Stereo Speakers
Going in a different direction now, Stereo Speakers is all deliberately low-fi overdrive snarl, faded speaker hiss and snotty indie-punk sneer. Eminently danceable, upbeat and hangs off the chorus comfortably. This is one for the club, if they played stuff like this at Afterschool I might like it a bit more.
The Gossip - Standing In The Way of Control
So it seems like The Gossip are getting kinda well-known recently, I can't say as I noticed but then I don't really pay much attention, I just listen to what I listen to. It's for damn good reason though, Beth Ditto's vocals immediately stand out of the crowd. The lady has some serious lungs on her and she puts them to good use, with songs just dripping with soul married to slap-back fuzz and almost disco vibes.Heavy with gender politics, but still maanges to be a foot-stomping exercise in bare simplicity. The hype seems to be deserved.
Riverboat Gamblers - The Curse of the Ivory Coast
This song has owned my life recently. It's nothing particularly weird or clever, simple enough three-chord, pissed-off punk, but it's just put together so damn well. The lyrics just stay the right side of the line marking the descent into over-dramatic, the song chugs along raucously, if your head isn't bobbing along by the first chorus, there are things wrong with you, and the vocals are tight and aggressive. It's a real fist in the air kind of song and I have NOT been able to stop listening to it. Seriously. I think I have a problem. Just go and get their latest 'To The Confusion of our enemies' and see what I mean.
piggybacks are BANNED now mate!!!
street dogs are kicking my arse. i can't deal with how great they are. i hope you got a gig ticket!
Xbox 360's any good then?