Good evening my lovelies. Had a good Christmas? Bellies full and bored of your shiny new presents? I've had a lovely time thankyou very much. I ate a lot of good food and scored a lot of shiny new swag. Plus I spent time in the company of my family, which made me realise how much more out of touch I'm getting with them. The bottom dropped out of my stomach when I realised that some of my cousins were legal now! That's not right! I changed their nappies! Now I have to worry about terrifying all possible suitors into not taking any liberties by threatening to go all Ipswich on them! ARGH! I also indulged in my usual Christmas tradition of sitting at home, downing the best part of an entire bottle of JD and shouting at people via the Internet. Sky, I'm really sorry

That aside, let me tell you about one of the things about living in my area that never fails to put a smile on my face. There is a street about 10-15 minutes walk from me called Lower Morden Lane. A fair few years back now there was a young boy who had Leukemia. At least, I think it was Leukemia, it could well have been something else, but that's not the point. The point is he was a Poor Sick Little Boy. The problem was, he was so sick that he couldn't travel much, so he couldn't go up into London to see the Regent Street lights like he so very much wanted to, so the people who lived there decided that, as he could not go to the lights, they would bring the lights to him.
So everyone decided to decorate their houses as brightly and gaudily as they could. Everything was covered with lights and decorations for Christmas so that the Poor Sick Little Boy could have his very own special Christmas lights.
And it was a huge success, he loved it, and everyone who took part enjoyed it so much, that they decided to keep doing it. And every Christmas ever since then, the people who live there turn their houses into deranged Christmas grottos and make collections for a local children's hospital
And we've made it part of our family tradition to visit every year. This year I decided to walk down it on my own and take some pictures so I had something to remember it by. From the houses that barely got into the spirit:
To the ones that, well, perhaps took it a teeny tiny bit too far:
And just when you think you can't see anything more bizzarre or gaudy
Somehow you get thrown something even more batshit loopy
For me, this is what Christmas is, that delightful pissing in the face of any sense of good taste and maddened joie de vivre. It's just another one of those times I take a perverse delight in the sublime lunacy of the human condition. It's a mad world, innit guv?
More in my pics.
Nearly as bad as I was when I got told that someones grandad had had a heart attack while riding his bike home and i had to leave the room because i was laughing so much.
It was the image of him toppling sideways....I couldn't stop myself.