So as I peel off a hardened pearl of my own dried blood from my arm that I missed earlier in the hospital, I dab at the congealed plugs in my nostrils and think to myself: Wow. What a monumentally shitty night.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Short version: Some cunt on the tube punched me square in the face and ran of for no reason I'm aware of. Luckily it doesn't seem to be too bad. Nose might have a small break but won't know till the swelling goes down. I managed to spray blood over almost an entire tube carriage and a large portion of the platform, terrified some small girls who were stood next to me (which I actually feel really bad about, poor little loves), lose my glasses and end up at the hospital talking to the police. Don't worry though, I'm mostly fine. And strangely kind of proud with the way I handled it all with icy zen stoicism.
< hugzzzz />