So I haven't been on much here in ages due to my computer coming down with a slight case of explosions. I finally got the fucker replaced so come on Internet, what have I been missing out on, internet-boobies-wise?
Hello Internet.
How are you? I'm fine. I know we haven't talked lately but, well, you know, life stuff. Etc etc. It's all very dull, I won't bore you with it except for the essentials.
First of all I'm moving at the end of the month. After 7 long and eventful years me and my flatmates are leaving The Nerdcave as the landlord is...
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This is my obligatory 'Oh God everything's changed and it's all a bit crap' post.
Eat bacon - it'll help the hangover. And congrats on the library post!
Hello sports fans,
After witnessing some truly astounding social blunders from all corners recently, and as someone who has met a rather large number of people from this site and is the proud subject of precisely zero restraining orders, I thought it might be useful to offer some general pointers to make your time socialising here a...
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I want one of those. It'd be a useful sixth sense to have.
Oh they were. SO many messages, it was crazy.
Did I miss the memo where they had to come in pairs?!
Hey ho. I match again.
Hurrah for symmetry.
It seems that some people are just picky about what smut they read, even if it`s free.
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Now have some musics

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