Okay, so i had my first official class that i have to take for my DUI. I don't know why, but I thought the instructor would have changed his lectures or at least his visuals since the last time i was there, about a year and a half ago, but he hasn't. Still using the same stories too.
Oh my gosh... mt knees are doing this crazy thing. At first it was just one knee, now it's both, whenever i move them they feel like wood rubbing on wood... like my bone or cartlige or something is catching on something else in there. It's a crazy feeling when you touch them as I move them. It just feels weird and un natural.
Oh, well... maybe it will go away...
Oh my gosh... mt knees are doing this crazy thing. At first it was just one knee, now it's both, whenever i move them they feel like wood rubbing on wood... like my bone or cartlige or something is catching on something else in there. It's a crazy feeling when you touch them as I move them. It just feels weird and un natural.
Oh, well... maybe it will go away...
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