Kay, so Yay! I finally got my 21st birthday pictures on here... thanks dannyboy for your help! I love you!!!
So yeah, this picture is after about my 6th or 7th margarita.... I have on my birthday glasses. The other new pictures are also from my birthday... see what dorks my co-workers are... gotta love them....and my puppy, not a real one, but it barks and wags it tail... [memeber=dannyboy] gave her to me... her name is danielle
kay, so yay!
So yeah, this picture is after about my 6th or 7th margarita.... I have on my birthday glasses. The other new pictures are also from my birthday... see what dorks my co-workers are... gotta love them....and my puppy, not a real one, but it barks and wags it tail... [memeber=dannyboy] gave her to me... her name is danielle
kay, so yay!