I never thought in a million years that I would find myself addicted to a daily soap opera. But this lockdown slowly pulled me into that weird mannequin story that was popular on "The Bold & The Beautiful". It was dark, strange, mysterious, and I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. I figured once we get past the mannequin story that I'd stop watching.
Not so
The thing that pissed me off the most about Trump's second impeachment trial is that it kept me from finally knowing what Steffie's paternity results were. Is it Liam's baby? Is it Finns? I just couldn't flippin' wait to see who the father was.
And the actress who plays Hope, Annika Noelle, is really hot. And that makes it quite easy for me to set aside 30 minutes for soapy indulgence each weekday. I really hope she dumps that rat bastard Liam. She deserves so much better.
I guess this blog is either my cry for help or to simply find other people who enjoy the show too. Maybe we can dish together (ha ha).
But for now, I just salute "The Bold & The Beautiful" for being what I needed during this stressful time in our world.