I have been in a very wierd place in my mind. Until my 3 month onld neice came to town. she is amazing. I already know she has and old soul and a very careing one. But she grap my finger with a death grip. The look in her eye was that of understanding.
Thank you for the comment about my workout session...
lotsa love
sorry I am in a very bad state of mind I wish not to write. oh dam just broke that. just busy work.
dam I tried but it is not my best...but i do mean it

Valentines Day
Is every day for me
For one day is not enough time
To show or tell every love in my life
Thank you and how much they mean to me
It does not matter if
I have only talk to them through a cold machine
Or if I have only...
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Seems I have a weakness I can not say no to women with beaitful eyes. I will hand over almost any thing.

Oh went to a festish/fashion show.....I was hoping to see something new but I guess I am spoiled. but they tried. but no inspiration came from the show.
sorry due to lack of sleep and other things. I have not had any time to think or even write anything not even my poetry. hopefully sunday. have a good weekend.
you made your bed now lye in it. ????? what about just changing the the sheets and bedding.???

I was going to fast in life, my body and mind could not keep up(they did not) but thanks to friends they helped me slow down. And few changed my mood to peace and happyness, At least i think I am happy.
sorry, bad weekend for me. no poems, just my normal pain and lack of sleep. but atleast my loves in my life were happy of once. And that is all that counts. i do not.
finally out of my happy mood. now just have to write agian. then I will be back to my self.
thank the ones you love now. you never now what the next hour will bring.
a POEM it in 1st draft sash thank you

To my dismay I see my love
Trying to wash away the darkness
That has over come her
But she is just lying down
As life has taken its toll
On her
She will not open her eyes
For she is afraid that her soul has turned black
I knell down beside her
And offer my...
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well my wish came true to simple lay down and sleep next to a female(an old friend ) it was comfortable no sex (she is a lisbien) and came at the right time(bad day at doc's) to bad she goes back to LA.

for even tho it was a one night. she help me out alot.
all i want is something simple to ly next to a female and fall asleep. right now I will even take the foot of the bed.
I dont need money, I have friends, sex is sex. but to relax next to someone brings me comfort in to my world of pain.
A great night
It was only for 3 hours. She made me dinner and fixed my back. thankyou
but the best part was I helped her relax with out tv, music(and sex we are just friends)
her cat although relaxed the most feel asleep and could not wake him up.
little did i know that helpping her relax, help me too.