Dream time
*note although I talk inn the first person, I am somehow in the body of a brown haired guy*
I'm looking for a job as a high school student and find a normal labor job on asa some farm hand and am graciously excepted. And it's stupid jobs like shoveling dirt. But night is a whole different story and nothing is what it seems. These men lure you and the rest of the people working into the main building and shut the door but you dont get out. They lock you in a dark room all together. There are hole drilled in the wall so they can watch. But there are alreaday people in this room, and this is not the only farm thata does this. There is a beautiful girl from california and when she tried to escape, she ripped out horse bits that were attached thru her cheeks, but you could tell she was once beautiful. Half the people ar ein panic. A tall muscler man enters and says nothing but points out people to follow him, and they get excited to leave, not thinking of the people trapped inside. the other folks don't even look up, they know. They know what happens when you leave the room. You hear screamingn.
There's a blip in my dream that I don't remember.
But somehow I escape from the room to anothe rpart oft the building, but this time I'm in the hallways full of holles and I can see outside. I can see them throwing bodys in a huge pit.
The rest, go figure. I woke up.
*note although I talk inn the first person, I am somehow in the body of a brown haired guy*
I'm looking for a job as a high school student and find a normal labor job on asa some farm hand and am graciously excepted. And it's stupid jobs like shoveling dirt. But night is a whole different story and nothing is what it seems. These men lure you and the rest of the people working into the main building and shut the door but you dont get out. They lock you in a dark room all together. There are hole drilled in the wall so they can watch. But there are alreaday people in this room, and this is not the only farm thata does this. There is a beautiful girl from california and when she tried to escape, she ripped out horse bits that were attached thru her cheeks, but you could tell she was once beautiful. Half the people ar ein panic. A tall muscler man enters and says nothing but points out people to follow him, and they get excited to leave, not thinking of the people trapped inside. the other folks don't even look up, they know. They know what happens when you leave the room. You hear screamingn.
There's a blip in my dream that I don't remember.
But somehow I escape from the room to anothe rpart oft the building, but this time I'm in the hallways full of holles and I can see outside. I can see them throwing bodys in a huge pit.
The rest, go figure. I woke up.
hey! Happy new year =o) Let me know if you ever get tired of your friends again, I need to meet new people in Tally also. Take care!