Ben is all whiny cuz he's hungover and feels like crap. I have a broken foot and I'm not even being whiny
He threw up a bunch earlier. I suggested maybe if he didn't drink so much he wouldn't get hungover and he got a bit miffed.
Yeah so last night was fuckin nuts. Aside from whacking up my foot again it was pretty fun for the most part. We went to like 4 parties. I saw one of my boyfriends ex's bush.
Why do I accidentally see vagina all the time? And I dont even want to! It freaks me out! Oh yeah, I ran into a car and gashed my leg open
That was cuz I was trying to run out of the street to avoid being hit by a car. Then I hit a car.
I was in a good mood for once and was being crazy and social and weird, the usual. Ben said I embarassed him in front of his friends and I kinda got pissed about that cuz all his friends thought I was rad and were laughing and shit. I dont know what his deal is. Maybe he was jealous cuz I was having more fun than he was? I should just be suicidal and depressed all the time.
Oh yeah, on the way home he said something that made me extremely upset. It hurt really bad so I kept telling him to pull over, I wanted to get out of the fucking car. He wouldn't, he kept locking the doors like I'm retarded and can't unlock it. I tried to get out at this light and he grabbed me and I was screaming at him and I finally hit him and ran out and fell on the side of the road, just bawling insanely. Ugh. I called my mom, it was about 3:30AM but she's here and I needed her. I was just crying and screaming and blah blah blah. Then Ben comes back around and tries to get me in the car, right then this other car comes up with 2 black guys asking if everything was ok and I was ignoring them but Ben was like "Yeah it's fine". They said they saw me get out of the car crying and blah blah blah. My mom told me to get in the car with Ben and come home....
yadda yadda yadda, I come home. Don't know how I manage to get inside but we were sitting in the livingroom talking and crying and draaaama. I dunno, Ben's cried like 3 times since I've known him. I wish he wouldn't bottle up his feelings and explode on me. He ended up passing out and I stayed up and talked to my mom and cried for another few hours. Ugh. Welcome to teh suck.
Anyways today has been ok, I only slept like 4 hours cuz after the drunk wore off I was in pain and couldn't sleep. My mom and I went to breakfast then to Albertsons and I got to ride around in the cripple cart. I accidentally ran into a display of paper towels and knocked it over
Ok we're gonna go to Walgreens for cheap halloween candy

Yeah so last night was fuckin nuts. Aside from whacking up my foot again it was pretty fun for the most part. We went to like 4 parties. I saw one of my boyfriends ex's bush.

I was in a good mood for once and was being crazy and social and weird, the usual. Ben said I embarassed him in front of his friends and I kinda got pissed about that cuz all his friends thought I was rad and were laughing and shit. I dont know what his deal is. Maybe he was jealous cuz I was having more fun than he was? I should just be suicidal and depressed all the time.

Oh yeah, on the way home he said something that made me extremely upset. It hurt really bad so I kept telling him to pull over, I wanted to get out of the fucking car. He wouldn't, he kept locking the doors like I'm retarded and can't unlock it. I tried to get out at this light and he grabbed me and I was screaming at him and I finally hit him and ran out and fell on the side of the road, just bawling insanely. Ugh. I called my mom, it was about 3:30AM but she's here and I needed her. I was just crying and screaming and blah blah blah. Then Ben comes back around and tries to get me in the car, right then this other car comes up with 2 black guys asking if everything was ok and I was ignoring them but Ben was like "Yeah it's fine". They said they saw me get out of the car crying and blah blah blah. My mom told me to get in the car with Ben and come home....
yadda yadda yadda, I come home. Don't know how I manage to get inside but we were sitting in the livingroom talking and crying and draaaama. I dunno, Ben's cried like 3 times since I've known him. I wish he wouldn't bottle up his feelings and explode on me. He ended up passing out and I stayed up and talked to my mom and cried for another few hours. Ugh. Welcome to teh suck.
Anyways today has been ok, I only slept like 4 hours cuz after the drunk wore off I was in pain and couldn't sleep. My mom and I went to breakfast then to Albertsons and I got to ride around in the cripple cart. I accidentally ran into a display of paper towels and knocked it over

Ok we're gonna go to Walgreens for cheap halloween candy

And thank you.
Hope you're okay, but I guess if you're about posting on the silly boards things ain't too bad. Am I right?