Fuck I slept til 2PM again. It's all Ben's fault. He had class at 1 but didn't wake up. He's still asleep
Yes yes I know when Summer is finally over at the end of October it just makes you wanna stay warm and snuggly in bed aaaaaall day.
I still have no yet started on what is due in 3 hours. Eep. I need to go to the container store. I decided I don't want to make bags for my store. I mean, this is an alternative corporate package and I'm already doing a fucking lot!! I'm doing 1- Tube socks in tube packaging, 2- Shoe Mints in a tin, and 3 bar soaps with labels. That's a lot yo. Some people are just doing an ad campaign which is 348963 times less work. I'm not trying to be lazy cuz this is for my portfolio and grades don't matter in school. Your portfolio matters. Blarg. But I have a handful of internships lined up if I get my portfolio together. I should do that. But I suck.
YAY MY . IS OVER!!! FUCK YOU . !!!!!
Hmmm yeeeeeeah I guess I should go find some materials for my package designs. I'm also supposed to have all the labels pretty much done with the colors and everything. oops. WORK LIKE THE WIND RENEE!!! GO GO GO!!!!!

I still have no yet started on what is due in 3 hours. Eep. I need to go to the container store. I decided I don't want to make bags for my store. I mean, this is an alternative corporate package and I'm already doing a fucking lot!! I'm doing 1- Tube socks in tube packaging, 2- Shoe Mints in a tin, and 3 bar soaps with labels. That's a lot yo. Some people are just doing an ad campaign which is 348963 times less work. I'm not trying to be lazy cuz this is for my portfolio and grades don't matter in school. Your portfolio matters. Blarg. But I have a handful of internships lined up if I get my portfolio together. I should do that. But I suck.

YAY MY . IS OVER!!! FUCK YOU . !!!!!
Hmmm yeeeeeeah I guess I should go find some materials for my package designs. I'm also supposed to have all the labels pretty much done with the colors and everything. oops. WORK LIKE THE WIND RENEE!!! GO GO GO!!!!!
will be here waiting to see the photos

hey pen pal. whats your wrist measurement??