I feel dirty looking at naked pictures of little girls. I like the older SGs
My ex ex roommate was a pedophile. He was/is a sick sick bastard. He used to be my best friend from like ages 17-21 or so. He always went after 13 year olds and shit. He's almost 28. His motto was "If she's old enough to have a locker she's old enough to fuck." Yeah that always bothered me even tho he was a good friend I guess. I never fucked him cuz 1- I thought he was disgusting and ugly 2- he was my friend. I dont fuck friends. He's been dating this psycho old bitch the past few years. I fucking hate both of them. I learned my lesson don't move in with your best friend. *shudders* I dunno if I'll ever get over how disgusting and shitty those motards were/are.
I <3 Mickeys. Mmmm malt liqua!
We watched The Shining, it was creepy as hell but not scary. It takes a lot to really scare me. The last scary movie I saw was probably the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Now that was a good scary flick, I should own it.
Fuck tomorrow we have to bring in all our materials we're using for our packae design as well as computer comps of all the labels. Umm I have none of that. Ha. I know what I'm making and I have my logo of course but that's about it.
I need to go buy my shit cuz I can't make a label if I don't know what I'm gonna put it on ya kno?
Ooooooohhh yeah I have another photoshoot on the 6th. Woot! I;m seeing if my myspace friend Miranda can come model. She is really pretty and hasn't done any modeling but she's super awesome. She's pretty much the only cool decent person I've met thru myspace. But it would be fun to have her there cuz I didn't really click with any of the other girls. I finally got the CD of all the pics from the last photoshoot. I should post some of the pics that didn't go up on the site. Yep.

My ex ex roommate was a pedophile. He was/is a sick sick bastard. He used to be my best friend from like ages 17-21 or so. He always went after 13 year olds and shit. He's almost 28. His motto was "If she's old enough to have a locker she's old enough to fuck." Yeah that always bothered me even tho he was a good friend I guess. I never fucked him cuz 1- I thought he was disgusting and ugly 2- he was my friend. I dont fuck friends. He's been dating this psycho old bitch the past few years. I fucking hate both of them. I learned my lesson don't move in with your best friend. *shudders* I dunno if I'll ever get over how disgusting and shitty those motards were/are.
I <3 Mickeys. Mmmm malt liqua!
We watched The Shining, it was creepy as hell but not scary. It takes a lot to really scare me. The last scary movie I saw was probably the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Now that was a good scary flick, I should own it.
Fuck tomorrow we have to bring in all our materials we're using for our packae design as well as computer comps of all the labels. Umm I have none of that. Ha. I know what I'm making and I have my logo of course but that's about it.

Ooooooohhh yeah I have another photoshoot on the 6th. Woot! I;m seeing if my myspace friend Miranda can come model. She is really pretty and hasn't done any modeling but she's super awesome. She's pretty much the only cool decent person I've met thru myspace. But it would be fun to have her there cuz I didn't really click with any of the other girls. I finally got the CD of all the pics from the last photoshoot. I should post some of the pics that didn't go up on the site. Yep.
"Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts. If you're tagged it's your turn."
i suspect it will be filled with your usual looniness