Oh man I got tagged yo! I have nothing better to do so....
I've been TAGXOR3D by rock_starry21
Um I have to say 10 facts about myself. 10, not 15!
1- I am obsessed with my iPod nano and nobody knew that.
2- I met my boyfriend Ben a long time ago in the rave scene, then we had a defensive driving class together like 3 years ago, then our mutual friend and us went downtown and he went off somewhere so Ben and I ended up hanging out all night. I was drunk at this bar and put my hand on his leg and said "Wanna make out?"
Yep, that's how it all started.
3- I cannot see my desk really, there's 34763 papers, letters, envelopes, pens, random fucking crap all over it. I'm very messy but NOT dirty. There's a difference!
4- I've been in college since I was 18. I'm 22. I will be graduated in the spring. I'm kinda scared but very excited.
5- I'm a graphic design major. I love art and thought I'd do something a little different. I didn't realize it is a VERY hard and DEMANDING field until like like year. HA! wtf? It's very stressful sometimes but it is my dream to be a successful graphic designer and hopefully an art director someday.
6- I have a sinus infection
7- I stole a lime from the convenient store when I bought Tecate
8- I'm on my period now. I just had it 2 weeks ago but this evil birth control fucked me up so now I have it again and it's WORSE! Owww my insides ache!
9- Ben and I's 10 month thingie is on the 30th. We got each other presents!
10- If my mom hadn't moved to Austin after she had me I would have grown up on a Navajo Indian Reservation in Shiprock, New Mexico. She moved to Austin cuz she didn't want me growing up as a minority ai- the only white kid in town.
I guess I'm suppose to tag some people to do this now. Hmmmm k
1- Panthro
2- ScullyBlue
3- Vanessa
4- Synnove
5- Casper

Um I have to say 10 facts about myself. 10, not 15!
1- I am obsessed with my iPod nano and nobody knew that.
2- I met my boyfriend Ben a long time ago in the rave scene, then we had a defensive driving class together like 3 years ago, then our mutual friend and us went downtown and he went off somewhere so Ben and I ended up hanging out all night. I was drunk at this bar and put my hand on his leg and said "Wanna make out?"

3- I cannot see my desk really, there's 34763 papers, letters, envelopes, pens, random fucking crap all over it. I'm very messy but NOT dirty. There's a difference!
4- I've been in college since I was 18. I'm 22. I will be graduated in the spring. I'm kinda scared but very excited.
5- I'm a graphic design major. I love art and thought I'd do something a little different. I didn't realize it is a VERY hard and DEMANDING field until like like year. HA! wtf? It's very stressful sometimes but it is my dream to be a successful graphic designer and hopefully an art director someday.
6- I have a sinus infection

7- I stole a lime from the convenient store when I bought Tecate

8- I'm on my period now. I just had it 2 weeks ago but this evil birth control fucked me up so now I have it again and it's WORSE! Owww my insides ache!

9- Ben and I's 10 month thingie is on the 30th. We got each other presents!

10- If my mom hadn't moved to Austin after she had me I would have grown up on a Navajo Indian Reservation in Shiprock, New Mexico. She moved to Austin cuz she didn't want me growing up as a minority ai- the only white kid in town.

I guess I'm suppose to tag some people to do this now. Hmmmm k
1- Panthro
2- ScullyBlue
3- Vanessa
4- Synnove
5- Casper
doood you clebrate your 10 month?
Hehe, true love. It all starts with a feelsky.