Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! nip/tuck is fuckin insane! OMG I love it. It's greater than I could have ever imagined. I'm so glad that whore Kit got carved. I laughed and clapped. Good shit. Damn why does it have to be a whole week til Tuesday happens again? *sigh*
So this semester is already half over. Dayum. I'm still doing well. I need to join the student chapter of AIGA cuz for both classes I'll get 5 points on my FINAL grade. Ya ya grades don't matter in graphic design but I still like to have a high GPA. *pushes up nerd classes* narf.
I baked salmon and potatoes for dinner. I got this yummmmmmmmy salmon rub seasoning at CostCo a few weeks back and it's really REALLy delicious. Ben says salmon and baked taters is his new favorite dinner. He did the dishes too without me asking him
I'm gonna start calling crappy people aids face
So this semester is already half over. Dayum. I'm still doing well. I need to join the student chapter of AIGA cuz for both classes I'll get 5 points on my FINAL grade. Ya ya grades don't matter in graphic design but I still like to have a high GPA. *pushes up nerd classes* narf.
I baked salmon and potatoes for dinner. I got this yummmmmmmmy salmon rub seasoning at CostCo a few weeks back and it's really REALLy delicious. Ben says salmon and baked taters is his new favorite dinner. He did the dishes too without me asking him

I'm gonna start calling crappy people aids face

Which one is Kit, I am still new to the show, last one I saw was the one where Rita Reynolds was killed at the end....
madonna is very much alive and looking just as hot as she did 30 years ago.