I'm stiiiiill alive. Bleh, I was in class today and all I could think about was wanting to die. I couldn't focus on anything else. WTF?!? I told my teacher I was having trouble but he didn't really help with my project. Blarg. So I sat there being worthless for 2 hours then finally just took my stuff and walked home. I didn't wanna sit in there anymore. So I came home and sat on the couch and watched Ben play on his computer. I love Ben. He always wishes he could make me feel better but him just being there does, a lot. I miss my mommy though
So today I've managed to eat a few of those wheat thins, in class I ate some saltine crackers, got home and ate part of half an apple Ben gave me. Oh yeah I ate a few chips and some salsa. Now I'm forcing myself to eat pineapples.
I'm seriously thinking this new birth control is fucking with me. Hopefully I'll get used to it soon. I'm in a really weird depression today. I just feel like a zombie. I haven't cried today and I haven't felt like I was going to. WTFBBQ?!?!??!

So today I've managed to eat a few of those wheat thins, in class I ate some saltine crackers, got home and ate part of half an apple Ben gave me. Oh yeah I ate a few chips and some salsa. Now I'm forcing myself to eat pineapples.
I'm seriously thinking this new birth control is fucking with me. Hopefully I'll get used to it soon. I'm in a really weird depression today. I just feel like a zombie. I haven't cried today and I haven't felt like I was going to. WTFBBQ?!?!??!